
Why do Racist White people try to justify the evil in them?

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Now all the white people who just saw this question, DON'T GET HAPPY! I"m not talking about white people in general, only racist white people. So just leave if you have mean things to say. I don't understand all the racist white people enslaved black people! The ones who killed all those peaceful indians. The ones who after hundereds of years finally freed african americans they still segregrated them! And the ones who created a society called the KKK. Now i know all races have racism so please don't start with that. I'm not picking on whites. Those racist people were mean and ruthless. But now the ones who aren't fully racist but still believe they are somehow better go around thinking that colored people aren't as good as them. Some actually believe they are innocent. Also...alot of racists say, "Go back to Africa!" now lets think, who brought blacks to america????? WHITES!!!!!! And also if anyone is american, its blacks and native americans. African american is a totally different race then africans now. we are blending with alot of races which make us different. We have different features and just because some blacks are dark like africans people think they are. I have cherokee, irish, american, and african. They don't understand that the people they are yelling at are the same race as them!!!!!!!! So i don't understand why that act this way. please help me. and no mean people and now rude comments.




  1. deep down inside they know they are wrong,and many of those people claim to be religious and they know that god would not approve of their hate.they try to make themselves feel better for their faults

  2. Lol i find it ironic that white americans say go back to Africa to black Americans yet they r not home either why dont they go back to Europe? oh! they hate their motherland Britain wow hypocrites hypocrites

    oh and the other thing, even if u r blending in with other races u r still black and africans r black so that means u r of the same race, u r of african descendence if u r black so be proud of it, thats also irony in u coz u cry about racism but u r also racist (maybe unintentionally)

  3. I agree with bucky R.

  4. To justify what they do and to make themselves feel better.

  5. I understand what you are asking.

    But my biggest question is who are those Pharaohs?

    Have you read the history before America born?

    Remember I hate no one.

    Really , I HATE NO ONE!

    You need to read more history out of America's history.

    Hope that helps.

    Don't get me wrong , my great great great great mother is black.

    So, I still looks white.

    Read more History then your mind will understand better from now on.

  6. Why do racist people of any race do it? White people do not have a monopoly on racism.

  7. Africans didn't come to america on their own:  true but who sold to white men? Black men did.

    White men did not kidnaps them.

    who says white men kidnaps them is a lie!

  8. The issue of racism is a very tricky one.  Racism is ingrained into the psyche of groups of people through society in general and the media.  The images you see on TV, the internet, and the books people read portray negative stereotypes of some while portraying positive stereotypes of others thereby giving certain groups a false sense of superiority.  Most people don't want to believe they are so gullible as to fall for this type of brainwashing so they convince themselves that they couldn't possibly have fallen victim to it or that it doesn't exist.  When a person fails to recognize their behavior it exacerbates the problem.  Denial is the biggest problem in overcoming racism.  The David Duke era of the Ku Klux Klan has succeeded in their rhetoric of convincing the ones in power that they aren't racist and that black people are racist for calling them out on racism.  Reverse psychology in the simplest form, but it worked on a mass of simple minded people.  There are some people that even believe that black people came willingly to the US as slaves and were treated well by their slavemasters and all whites since. I guess they never heard of Rosewood.  There are people that would have you believe that the civil rights movement was a white man's movement.  Dr. King couldn't possibly have had anything to do with it.  There are even some that would have everyone believe that the holocaust never existed but was a mere fabrication by the Jews.  The biggest purveyors of racism are whatever race is in power. The "racism" they claim other races have is in reality a reaction to the racism they have experienced.

  9. Actually your own people brought blacks to America, not the whites. Stop whining and read your history book. Besides there is racism in every race not only the whites.

    Get a life. Who really cares about what happened in the past anyway. Sounds like you need Jesus more than anybody else on here. Do you need mental help or something? Find something else to complain about. Go back to grammar school and learn how to spell.

  10. I know how you feel,,I am a white 41 year old man who has traveled alot in my life,,And there are racist people in every place i have been.

    It is a very sad thing but it is there all the same.

    People in general white or other race are just people we are all flawed there has been only one perfect being on this earth.

    But you might want to edit your question some it was the spanish who first started the slave trade in many parts of the world it was against the law to trade in slaves even back then. And yes white people and others went to africa to get slaves but the slaves were bought from the Chiefs of tribes one tribe would raid another capture who they did not kill and sale them,, and as you said we all are a very mixed group !

    America would not be the same without the diversity that the African Americans brought through there own culture.The same society that createdthe K.K.K made a few other groups as well like the Black Panthers and many other hate groups it is easy to hate if you are taught to do so. No matter your color or race we are the sum of our upbringing In my life I have had many first hand encounters with people who just like to hate it is a part of there being.But think about it when you say whites what whites which ones?? The British whites or the Irish whites on and on all I can say to help you (I hope) is that God says to LOVE our Brother for any man who dose not Love his Brother

    is a murderer and no murderer shall inherit the kingdom of God!!!

    And another is (How can you remove the speck from your brothers eye when there is a plank in your own nay I say unto you remove the plank from your own eye before you remove the speck from your brothers eye

  11. Because they have actually brain-washed themselves into believing that they are superior than the rest and that they are "Pure Aryans". It's an ideology which they believe that I see as nonsense. If they had to endure what Black Slaves, Native American Indians, etc. I don't even think they would survive as a whole, rather yet "Keep the White race pure" as those skin-heads claim.

    Note: I'm not generalizing the whole White race, I'm sticking with the topic subject towards the racist whites. So if you're not a white racist, then this shouldn't strike a nerve.

  12. i dont care if you have irish or cheroke in you, you still look black. if you're such a NICE person then why are you picking on white people? didnt you say you have irish in you??

    you have some mental problems that you need to take care of and need counseling

  13. because...they believe in those things and they will do whatever it takes to justify themselves

    it is just like religious people (don't get offed if you are religious)

  14. Way tooo long but I would have to say why do blacks or any other race/ethnicity try to justify the evil in them.

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