
Why do Rangers fans still want such a poor manager like Walter Smith???

by  |  earlier

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his tactics are c**p, he plays boring and defensive football, he spends millions on players like Laugherty hehe and super duper prolific goalscorers like Kenny Miller, he plays the little good players yous have out of position and for some reason he doesnt play the only decent striker yous have (Boyd) from the start in many or most games. To top that off he says he had a feeling yous would mess it up last night LOL

What revolution is next? we've seen the PLG Revolution and now Walter n McCoist revolution is dead in the water!




  1. I'm glad Rangers are not in Europe next season, at least the Cities are safe from the hooligans that follow the club.  It was a disgrace that they were even allowed in this season after what went on in Manchester

  2. yeah take it your a tim who have you signed?? what was the score when you played artmedia afew seasons ago ? when will you lot actually learn to use soap  ?when will you lot stop hitting refs with lighters etc? when will you lot learn theres  catholics in the masons ? when will you lot admit the catholic church is full of kiddy fiddlers? when will u lot go back to ireland now the famines over ?when will u lot realise not every one likes you ?when will you lot learn what goes around comes around ?when will you especially learn  your dads not your dad .?????please reply on the back of a postage stamp to gordon strachan of bellsdyke mental home   lol scottish irish thats a new one no m8 ya irish  now bugger off back home to the paddy fields where you belong

  3. cause they're aw thick as pig S**t

  4. sarah t dont tar all rangers supporters with the same brush remember it was the Minority of fans.....

    rangers will win the league this year providing they dont play miller cos he was rank for rangers 1st time and celtic and i dont see any difference...... KRIS BOYD (SHOUTING) WALTER SMITH DO YOU HEAR US WE ARE ALL SCREAMING TO U FOR TO PLAY HIM SO FECKIN DO IT HES THE BEST STRIKER BY FAR AND HAS RANGERS IN HIS BLOOD....

  5. All this bickering and finger-pointing about scottish football is pointless. Please, all of yous, stop tha' fighting!

    If you want to see football played properly, you should head south of the border...

  6. If they sacked Walter who would want to take over a bunch of non triers with little money to replace them.

  7. errapolis you surprise me. i've not been on for a while when i last was you were talking some sense, now it appears your replies are reaking of desperation, your clutching on to the idea that smiths a better manager and his record speaks for itself, but i imagine you know deep down thats total bollocks mate.

    if it was he who had won three in a row spl titles while battling to the last 16 of the champions league on 2 of those then fair enough, however we both know that not to be the case.

    as for the huns not asking for wattys head. are you having a laugh? do you read the papers? do you listen to the phone ins? were you so engrossed in how well liverpool played at castle greyskull last week that you didn't here the primal boos from the neanderthals in blue as they dragged there knuckles to the exits 25mins early?  come on now, your an inteligent guy, admit your sides in the same mess that your wee general left you in, when he spent the last of the big dough on flo, & then recently gave you a russian crushing.

    my beloved celtic have been the attractive team to beat for almost a decade now, as you lot were the decade before.

    so admit it, sit back, hope for the best, and come of worse, or you might end up looking like as dumb and ignorant as 'jon doe' (what a w*nk*r) you forgot to list  BJK with all your other unoriginal pedictable insults.

  8. Yes his tactics where bad and god knows how we got to the uefa cup final last season.Not playing Kris Boyd lost us the league last season and last night against Kaunas  

  9. a bad manager doesnt win you two trophies and run their city rivals to the last day of the season - and get a european final.

    unlike the celtic fans calling for strachans head when he was a few points behind in the league, us bluenoses wont be calling for him to go just yet - well, some will until their emotions clear.

    walter is a far better manager than strachan and his record speaks for itself.  


    here it is again incase you missed it LOL

  11. Why indeed, the sad thing was that the PLG revolution was badly needed and not allowed time. Instead they went for a man who was sacked at Everton for bizarre tactics, a dislike of wingers, a 5 man back defensive policy and a signing policy that saw a swinging door with elderly and injury prone players coming in. Still good to see he learned from his mistakes.

  12. walter smith is actually a good manager. think his tactics last nite were rubbish though. he really needs to get a grip with this kris boyd thing he got goin on. hes a great player and if he aint gettin used he will just go elsewhere. kaunas are not that brilliant. last nite they got what they deserved, as the performance and determination was really top notch. im awaiting the hearts v rangers game now as its goin to be really interesting.

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