
Why do Republican women either seem emotionally scared or evil?

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In some ways I feel bad for the emotionally scared ones like Laura Bush who has this look on her face like she is unable to display any emotion, then you have the evil ones like Ann Coulter and this women talking now who sounds like they would love to kill men or bow down to an emperor of the land or something




  1. ha ha ...Laura Bush's is the way she is because she knows deep down that she's going to h**l for killing that kid in her youth. Ann Coulter is simply the devil's disciple and will always be the way she is ( a "so-called" 40 year old virgin with an attitude). And now Sarah Palin, she's actually pretty hot, but that republican/conservative thing is such a turnoff, and I'm sure that it will soon consume her and drain her of all her beauty!

  2. They all seem like they are really scared:  emotionally battered? given no choice? no education?   Just like Anita Bryant from the old days.

  3. Republican women are the most stable of all.

  4. To be fair, present evidence that Ann Coulter is a woman.

  5. kind of like Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi?

  6. They look like they are more incontrol than Pelosi or Hillary.

  7. Maybe a dozen roses will cheer them up. Go for it.

  8. That is just your perception. You see, for the longest time Republican women have struck fear into the hearts of liberals.

    Republican women are immune to the Democratic propaganda brainwashing machine. Actually, I think liberals are just insanely jealous because Republican women are so much smarter and prettier than liberal ones.

  9. Why do Liberal men either seem like pansies or dirty hippies?

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