
Why do Republicans always get to pick their people AFTER the Democrats go boldly with their choices?

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The Republican party is becoming nothing but a bunch of name-callers, contrarians and reactionaries...

Why don't the American people demand that Republicans make their choices on major issues in a timely manner and not simply react to what Democrats are doing all the time?

In other words, why do we allow them to sit back, criticize and fillibuster without bring anything of their own to the table?




  1. Democrats love the first poll surge, blame the DNC. Each party runs their own party business. If you don't like the way Republicans do things become a Republican and change it.  

  2. I completely agree.  They do this so that they can take any statement and spin it in a negative fashion.  For example, the tire thing that Obama said.  Saying that we are able to save money on our gas by properly maintaining our cars and assuring our tires are properly inflated.  Even the current White House dept. of transportation supports this idea, yet McCain decided to slam the notion.  Making fun of it by giving out tire gagues that said "Obama's energy plan" on it.  Except, two days later, he came out and said that he didn't disagree with Obama on that fact, and that he does, in fact, believe that these are good steps to take to help ease a bit of the pain on gas prices.  

    It never mattered who Obama picked.  He was going to get slammed anyways.  The bottom line is that the republican party waits on things like this because they have no original ideas of their own, and don't have the guts to stand on their ideals.  Unless you count, "Agree with everything the President says", as an ideal.  They're gutless, and would rather try to point out things that are wrong with the other guys rather than fix anything they do to begin with.  

    Biden is a great choice.  People are pointing at the fact that Obama has so little international experience, then who better for him to choose?  Biden has been in the senate for 30 years, and has TONS of international diplomatic experience from his work in the senate.  McCain doesn't have a leg to stand on with the accusations that both these guys are out of touch and elitist.  Both of these guys know that 5 million a year isn't the line between rich and middle class.  Not to mention I'm pretty sure these guys know how many homes they own right off the top of their heads.  Who's elitist and out of touch?  That's what I thought.

  3. they are smarter?

  4. It's okay, Pagan...They are digging their own graves..Remember, we decide first, they attack, the attack ends, they decide, we get the last licks!!!!

  5. Republican name callers?????

    You obviously haven't been paying much attention to what goes around here on YA.

  6. The process of nominating a candidate for the general election, including that of choosing a running mate, is handled at the party level, the government has no part in that process other than ensuring that campaign funds are handled properly.  

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