
Why do Republicans chant USA! USA! USA! so much? Isn't that a little childish?

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Why do Republicans chant USA! USA! USA! so much? Isn't that a little childish?




  1.'s patriotic.

  2. Didn't you see how old nearly all of the speakers and the delegates were at the Republican convention?  They had to keep reminding themselves where they lived.

  3. Heck no!  It is very patriotic.  Anyone who equates this chant to childishness has a lot of maturing to do.

  4. Maybe they think they're at an Olympic event

  5. We like the United States of is a nation founded on the principle that we are endowed by our Creator with unalienable rights, and specifically the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

    One of the few nations on earth that explicitly supports that notion.

  6. So everyone that does it at the Olympics is childish?

    It's the same thing as rooting for your favorite team at a game except this isn't a game, it's our livelihoods, family, friends, and freedom.

  7. Because they are proud of their country and all that it has to offer.

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