
Why do Republicans claim to be the religious right, but lie like there's no tomorrow?

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Why do they continue to knowingly spread falsehoods and lies? Is that Christianlike?




  1. Now this has to be the funniest question I have ever seen on Y/A's!

    It's not the Republicans that are claiming this, it's the radical leftist idiots that use this against us. Your question has me laughing so hard I almost forgot about the hurricane coming. Thanks, I needed that!

    Vote Smart!

    Consider Your Children and Grand-Children;

    Their Future Is In Our Voting Hands!

    United We Stand, Divided We Fall!

  2. I don't know, it is the darndest thing.

  3. Ask her.

  4. They use fake religion and fake patriotism to w***e for votes, and Americans eat it up.

  5. Give an example.  

  6. My observations of republicans and religion is based in one thing, abortion.

    Since Reagan, the republicans have really only given lip service.  They know it is impossible to go head to head on this issue.  It is far to divisive and will split this country.  They know, by being against abortion they will get the majority of the religious vote.  They will promise to repeal Roe V Wade, but it is only lip service.

    Reagan understood this so well that he didn't stand in front of some of the most right to choose legislation in California back when he was governor.  Yet he was still able to sew up the religious vote by appearing to be against abortion.

    I also believe that Bush is no more religious then my big toe is a hard drive and only appears that way for votes.  He understands, with a country that is in the high 90's with believers, that is a win-win situation.

    Remember that partisans, liberals are religious too, but most of us do not believe in shoving our values down others throats. Especially when those values can't even begun to be agreed upon.  

    I also believe the USA is starting to grow up and recognize political religious BS when they see it.




  7. I guess it's their religious right.

    I fail to see how one can give an example to someone who won't accept email!

    LIE: Bush promised that he would “absolutely” release all records pertaining to his military service.

    FACT: The White House only released partial documentation and has refused to comply with the Associated Press’ Freedom on Information Act request for the remaining record, forcing AP to file a FOIA lawsuit.   (Daily Mis-Lead 07.21.04)

    southern.....I fail to see the laugh content of having a compulsive liar for president.  To question the fact of his history of lying is absurdly sad for you.

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