
Why do Republicans consider ignorance, unintelligence, and lack of education virtues?

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Why do Republicans consider ignorance, unintelligence, and lack of education virtues?




  1. Because they are Virtues.  Democrat virtues.

  2. It is not only the Republicans is everybody including you, I hope.

  3. Most Republicans are highly educated and even more came from humble means and know what it means to work and take responsibility for their own life.  

  4. Do you have enough functioning logic circuits to recognize that if your presumptions were so obviously true, you would already have the answer to your question as to "why" they are true?

    It's ironic that you accuse your opponents of "ignorance" in a manner that clearly demonstrates your own.  

  5. How else could they win an election except to convice those you mention to vote against their best interest?

  6. Because those virtues are what comprises the majority of their voting base.

  7. Excuse me, you said Republicans but I believe you meant to say liberals, please get your facts straight next time before posting. Have a nice day sitting on your fat a$$ at home

  8. Interesting question. Isn't it the democrats who are always pandering to those who lack the intelligence, initiative and/or education to support themselves? Isn't it the democrats who are pandering to those who are, as Chris Redfern, the Democratic Party Chairman of Ohio, put it, the 'least among us'?

    No, those are the democrat virtues. We conservatives consider self reliance and self sufficiency virtues. And, although many of those who are self sufficient lack your standards of education, at least they have enough self respect not to be looking for hand outs from a mommy and daddy liberal government. And that is a virtue I can genuinely respect. It's that sort of virtue that made this country great.

  9. We consider those virtues of a Democrat.

  10. NCLB

  11. because it has gotten a lot of democrats elected.

  12. Why? Are you feeling virtuous?

  13. That's a loaded question if I ever heard one.

  14. Yeah, like not being proud of America and damning America; very virtuous.

  15. I dont think liberals are virtuous.  but thanks for asking.

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