
Why do Republicans continue to question Barack Obama's patriotism?

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He has already declared his love for this country, and he proved when he graduated from Harvard Law School and took a lowly job as a community organizer, instead of going to work for a some high-paying law firm, like every Republican has done.

The theme of the Republican National Convention is "Country First," which is there way of saying Barack Obama doesn't put his country first. This is just B/S, and it is sad to me that Americans can insult other Americans like this, especially one who is sacrificing his career, time and life to HELP America.




  1. Because ... He IS Anti-American !!!

    Y E S ! ! !

    ALL Americans should READ Obama's Global Poverty Act (S.2433) ... He is wanting to give America's sovereignty over to the United Nations !!!

    Alaska Govermor Sarah Palin has MORE TOTAL political experience than Obama!!


  2. Because Republicans can the see the forest through the trees...

  3. You probably either don’t live near Harvard Square in Cambridge Ma. We call it the socialist republic of Cambridge, and the Harvard students exemplify it.

    Obama’s launched his campaign from William Ayers living room. Ayers is responsible for bombings of both the pentagon and the whit house buildings.

    His church, his land deals, and his political experience in Chicago are all corrupt. You have to be kidding .



  4. they are just tormented by the fact that he will win. they to me just want to get richer and make the poor man even poorer. thats my oppinion

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