
Why do Republicans favor tax subsidies for oil companies, yet oppose subsidies for disadvantaged children?

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Why do Republicans favor tax subsidies for oil companies, yet oppose subsidies for disadvantaged children?




  1. because they are owned by the oil companies

  2. we hate children

  3. Because the Republican platform is a really clever rationalization by which obscenely rich people convince ignorant people that making rich people richer is in the ignorant people's best interest.  

    Edit: You're right.  It's not that clever.

  4. I don't like children. Well isn't that the answer you were expecting?  

  5. hahaha... I love the Republicans trying to defend their actions...

    "becuz I wants the lower gases" hahaah

    what about the responsibility of the company CEOs to keep companies solvent? oh, that's right... they don't believe in that responsibility...

    it's a one way street for conservatives... only the poor need to be responsible...

  6. Republicans live vicariously through the rich. And they've bought into the lie that the poor people have all their money.


  7. Big money rules America like it did Italy in the 1920s, 30s, and 40s.

    It just isn't as blatantly obvious in America, because Republicans like to deny reality, and believe society is as it was when we still had unions, jobs, and the majority of America still had real incomes.

    Notice how they are still blaming Clinton and Unions for the problems in America decades after they have no ability to influence a thing?

  8. you mean besides the 100 plus programs that are out there for the 'disadvanteged'?

  9. Funny, I always thought parents should be responsible for their children.

  10. Why do democrats want less oil companies in the US and more disadvantaged children?

  11. They do have subsidies. It's called welfare. Unfortunately since welfare is a boom for dems it has totally spiraled out of control. More people would rather sit on their behind and draw a check than work. Thanks dems for giving already stupid people more incentive to do nothing...

  12. Republicans favor certain large corporate entities and wealthy individuals and believe that government should operate for their benefit. I think that is pretty clear from their economic policies and legislation.  Everyone else can just fend for themselves.

  13. The first part means lower gas prices.

    I like to know the source of you second claim.

    Republican give more of their own time and money in helping the poor than do Democrats.

    Yet who says they do more for the poor?

    Maybe you need to step to the plate more than try to demonize Republicans.  

  14. They are the party of the rich and ignorant, that's why.

  15. Why would you want to encourage people to have disadvantaged children?

  16. What the h**l are you even talking about?  How 'bout a single news article before you say something like that?

    I bet you'd be surprised to learn that Democrats favor using born alive abortion babies as target practice, yet oppose making bottle lids easier to open on the first try.  

  17. Funny you say that...under Obama's plan, the lowest incomes will return to the tax rolls, so 4 million working poor who were exempt will now have to pay taxes again...

    Tax rates will rise substantially in each tax bracket, some by 450 basis points;

    Low-income taxpayers will see the 10-percent tax bracket disappear, and they will have to pay taxes at the 15-percent rate;

    Married taxpayers will see the marriage penalty return;

    Taxpayers with children will lose 50 percent of their child tax credits;

    Taxes on dividends will increase beginning on January 1, 2009;

    Taxes on capital gains will increase, also beginning on January 1, 2009; and

    Federal death taxes will come back to life in 2011, after fading down to nothing in 2010.

  18. All taxes are passed on. Taxes do not help poor people. They create more poor people. A corporation is not a person. The taxes of a corporation are not payed by the CEO. They are paid by customers of the corporation (when you buy gasoline or medications) They are paid by employees of the corporation (when the jobs are sent over seas) They are paid by shareholders (you will earn less on your retirement accounts) None of this helps disadvantaged children. That is why Republicans favor tax subsidies for oil companies. The best way to help disadvantaged children is to stimulate the economy, not to send (their parents) jobs overseas.  

  19. I think that's pretty obvious, don't you?  I mean you need an explanation for that? :)


  20. Each and every one of us was at one time a disadvantaged child...Even the richest children have times when they hate their lives...And I have never wanted any corporate tax benefit to go to the biggest you are wrong on both counts.

  21. Why do you misconstrue things to make them fit your agenda?

    Just curious.....

    Do the children not have parents? Is it not the job of the parent to make sure that children have what they need? Should a man/woman not be able to provide for a child, is it the responsibility of the taxpayers to pick up their slack? Why is it my job as a taxpayer to raise someone else's child? Was I involved in the procreation of that child? I have an 8 year old boy. You know what I do? I work. I have a job. I go to school. I instill values in him such as hard work and honesty. I teach him that HE is responsible for himself. It is his job to make sure that he has. I teach him that there is pride in working and earning what you have.....

    Nevermind... You Dems just don't get it.

    As far as the oil companies go... Let the quit giving them subsidies and see how much you pay for gas then.

    Good day to you.


    We also eat babies.... You forgot to mention that.

  22. because they're told to think that way, duh!

    Remember, Republicans don't think for themselves. They tote the party line. Five years ago, who would have thought we would have "Americans" defending, and in some cases promoting, torture. These people are sheep. BAHHHHH!!!

  23. They can't make money off of children. If children were  a stock market commodity, you can bet they'd be taken care of.

  24. Your premise is absurd. Is the best you could come up with?

  25. Most disadvantaged children have lazy or nonexistent parents.  That is where the blame should fall.

  26. Yeah, that's right. That's why I got a tax rebate for me and because I have a child, but Obama wants to do away with the child subsidy and give the same amount to people who don't even pay taxes as those who do. Don't have a clue as to the truth, do you?

  27. i missed something, i thought that the Rep's. wanted school vouchers to help these children

  28. Because apparently disadvantaged children don't have enough drive and prosperity in life to receive tax subsidies.

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