
Why do Republicans have a fixation with starting wars while democrats are fixed on preventing wars?

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Steven: Whats wrong with deplomacy ?




  1. Right. Republicans started WWI, WWII, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, etc., etc.

  2. Almost every war in our history came when a Democrat was in office. Look it up

  3. Because if we dont go get them they will come HERE trying to start things.. Id much rather kick them in the teeth BEFORE they get here.

  4. President during ww1-Thomas Woodrow Wilson (D)

    US President during World War 2- Franklin D. Roosevelt  (D)

    President during Korean war- Harry S. Truman (D)

    When the Vietnam conflict started, John F. Kennedy (D) was president.

    Lyndon B. Johnson(D) was president when it became full scale.

    Richard M. Nixon (R) was president and responsible for bringing our troops home.

    So what do you mean, Democrats are fixed on preventing wars?

  5. All this question tells me is that left wing propaganda is alive and well.

    What war did the Republicans start?

    What war did the Democrats prevent?

    Fight for your mind, dude.

  6. Are you basing this on anything other than your opinion? If Clinton would have been busy "preventing war" then we wouldn't have been attacked on 9/11. And I think if you look at your history book, you will see that Dems have been responsible for many wars.

  7. Um, didn't Clinton and Biden vote for the Iraq war?  Didn't Reagan destroy the Soviets without an all-out invasion?

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