
Why do Republicans ignore the plight of everyone except the unborn?

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Single moms, people without insurance, the elderly, retired folks, kids who need education, teens who need birth control information, the middle class taxpayers...ALL of these groups are essentially ignored by the GOP policies. Shouldn't we help the people who ACTUALLY EXIST, instead of focusing an entire social platform on the small percentage of pregnancies that are terminated?




  1. Simple answer the republican party has been by in large corrupted by ignorant people. Its very simple all you need is a little common sense, give help to those who need it none to those who don't, boost the economy by giving it more freedom. Sure some people won't like it because they will lose their jobs to overseas workers but that is capitalism and capitalism is america you can see it everywhere, if you want a more socialized system go with the Democrats. Privatize social security and make it affordable and competitive. Social security is a bankrupt system and we keep losing money because we won't change it. I'm 19 now by the time I'm ready to get social security it will have bankrupted itself and will no longer have any money to give me. Simplify education centralize it. cut un-needed spending in education. I'm sick of hearing of millions of dollars being spent on kids who need special attention, their own room, own teacher etc, this should not cost this much. Mandatory 2 years public service will help alleviate some problems(military etc). Make it easy to do maybe weekends etc with no age limit you can do it when you can. Teach morality in schools, teach that s*x before marriage is wrong, but don't punish them if they do have s*x give them all the information they need to deal with the problem. Change the legal drinking age to 18 like the rest of the world, making it legal may make kids not want to do it so much, just like kids disobey their parents just to show that they can.

    I'd better stop rambling incoherantly thats all I have to say, we can solve our problems we just need to use common sense and the resources that we have.

  2. I have no idea, and it is about time they are help accountable for their hipocrisy.

    A perfect example of their hypocrisy is when they promote big agriculture and ignore the environmental catastrophes occurring near confined animal feeding operations, which spew enormous quantities of nitrates/nitrites into the environment and trigger miscarriages and stillbirths in pregnant women living near those operations.  The EPA has documented that this occurs.  To me, they are contributing to baby killing themselves when they choose to look the other way.  This situation, unlike Roe v. Wade, can be solved so much more easily, it is mind boggling they allow these wanted babies to die.

  3. The do not!

    Republicans donate much more to charities than Democrats do.  Even after taking into account the income differences!

    And not all Republicans are Pro Life.

  4. They believe that the plight of the unborn is the wedge issue that will give them a victory. And, they can't run on foreign policy or domestic policy because the economics of both are so totally screwed up.

  5. Let me answer your question with a similiar question. Why do Liberals love equal rights, g*y marriage, the poor, the meek, the animals, the environment yet take the position that killing babies is OK?  No idea how abortion got all tied up in equal rights/human rights but it is nuts. You Liberals would never lose an election if you changed that abortion stance. And to answer your original question: Obviously in a two party system we all try to fit ourselves into one of the two groups. I bet only 10% of us truly fit in either.  

  6. First, fetuses DO "actually" exist.

    Second, the amount of pregancies that are terminated is by no means small: 1 out of 3 end with the destruction of the fetus. 4,000 abortions PER DAY!

    Third, teenagers "need" neither birth control nor information about it.

    Fourth, I as a conservative DO care about the elderly, the retired etc: conservatives/Republicans donate MORE to charity then liberals/Democrats do.

    Fifth, even if I did not, that still is not an excuse for the Democrats to ignore the unborn.

    Sixth, a question for you: since the Democrats CLAIM to help the elderly retired etc. (though the Republicans actually do it more), why do Democrats NOT protect the unborn as well? Just because the Republicans (as you claim) help the unborn but not anyone else (though that claim is in fact false), does not mean that Democrats cannot help BOTH.

  7. They turn a blind eye to the plight.   They are usually so out of touch with the regular population that they actually don't understand the things that average people go thru.   What amazes me is that they trust a person with a child but not a choice.   They have their ideals about morality and try to legislate it.    

  8. Republicans are crazy.  

  9. Because they don't give a rats ***. unless it deals with one of there own (i.e Sarah Palin daughters pregnancy) it doesn't pertain to them and therefore its that persons own fault they think they should be cut loose to deal with it themselves..........and they try to say they are christian, d**n if that's how it is I see why people become atheists!

  10. They need the unborn to become good loyal robots for the cause.

  11. Perhaps we should follow the liberal ideal of "helping" other people then?

    OK then.. The government should take care of everybody's needs.. and that guy over there should pay for it!

    Here's the difference between liberals and decent Americans.  We actually donate large amounts of our PERSONAL income to charity.  We don't expect somebody else to pick up the slack, we do it ourselves.

  12. lol the middle class is ignored by the democrats too.

  13. Wow... That was very well thought out  and very nicely put....

    I couldn't agree more....

    and dont worry the repubs will show there ignorance right now when they answer you....

  14. The question of abortion is one of the right to life, not a question of societal assistance.  Republican's feel very strongly that life itself is sacred and should be protected (which not coincidentally is why they support the termination of life for those who take it illegally).  Republicans are not against assistance for the disadvantaged, they just think that those problems are most effectively handled at the state and local level and not through huge, expensive, and bureaucratic Federal Programs.  Its a State's Rights issue.  Its quite the nasty stereotype that republicans are not concerned with human welfare, and btw if anyone is going to injure the middle class tax payer, its Barak Hussein Obama who proposes a tax hike for "Global Warming" and a 28% Capital Gains Tax.

  15. If people used condoms instead of pretending like s*x didn't happen we wouldnt even be disucssing it.

  16. Because all they really care about is trying to control the women that they fear/hate.

  17. They don't....... they allow me and my wife to keep more of  our hard earn money so WE can build a better life.

    They would like to give us school choice so that this country can improve the abysmal 40% black male dropout rate.

    They would like to partly privatize SS so some of us can get back at least a fraction of the money we invested in it.

    They want to protect this country so we don'tcow tow and appease terrorist and our enemies.

    Why do you thing every time the Democrats send a liberal to represent them for president the American people shoot them down, even the liberal Clinton ran as a moderate and if you eliminated Ross Perot 19% he would have lost also .....Obama is toast

  18. What Plight...there are literally THOUSANDS of government programs that address each of those issues AND we spend $480 BILLION a year in foreign aide, and fund the World Food Bank at $352 Billion a year! Geez people!

  19. good question because they have so many unwed mothers

  20. Yes, I think so. As a Catholic billboard said during Kerry's campaign "Life continues AFTER BIRTH!"

  21. Let's see...

    Single Moms have access to food stamps and free or discounted day care through existing government programs.  They can also get subsidized housing.

    People without insurance have access to Medicare and Medicaid.

    The elderly and retired folks have Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

    Kids who need education... well, education is free through high school in America.  Kids in need get free transportation to school, subsidized meals at school, even free school supplies, not to mention subsidized before and after school care.

    Anyone who wants information on birth control can go to Planned Parenthood and get it for free, or they can go to their doctor or a clinic.  There are lots of free clinics that give out birth control.

    As to the middle class and taxpayers... there are SO many government programs to help people with any possible problem... I truly don't know exactly who you claim is being ignored. Can you give me any specific examples??

    And to further debunk your myth, have you heard that conservatives donate a higher percentage of their incomes to charity than do liberals?  This is true.  See the link below - the story was reported by ABC News.

  22. Exactly.

    Their platform just goes to show just how out of touch the GOP is with the American people.

  23. It's just a form of "It's for the children."

    It's an empty, meaningless gesture.  The "unborn" don't really cost anything to politically support.

    Once they're born, they cost money.

  24. There is no reasoning with a Republican. They are closed-minded and quite scary.


  25. They don''t, that is a self-created myth in your own mind.

    Advocating personal responsibility is not ignoring the plight of others.

  26. Your question is very bias and ignorant. Perhaps you should educate yourself more before asking something like this.

  27. That would actually make sense. Conservative politics can't allow that to happen.  

  28. Republicans contribute exponentially more to charity than do Demorats.  Your thesis is not only false it is a blantant lie.

  29. If you look what MCCain stands for he has things on all of your issues. As far as abortion it is a life, a baby, a human being for christ sake!  

  30. wow--you should really do your homework so you don't sound so ignorant--if you honestly believe that Republicans ONLY think of abortion you are incredibly dimwitted! and as for your comment "actually exist"--again--IGNORANT--you actually believe that the life inside a woman is NOT a life until it's out of her? what's kicking her and moving isn't a life?  

  31. Yes!!! Thank you for this post, i've come so close as to lose my faith in mankind, but reading this gives me hope. It's nice to know that other people out there are really concerned about the REAL issues our country is facing!!!! Our only problem is that we need to educate the majority of our population on these issues-not just abortion (something that is never going to be illegal, so why bother choosing a candidate on whether or not they're pro-choice?)-and get a democrat in there to actually do something about this....

    i've seriously decided that if the republicans stay in office i'm moving to south america!!!

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