
Why do Republicans keep Calling Obama, Osama?

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or obama biden laddan

they like to joke or something. and isn't Osama bin Laden, the person that your President couldn't catch? laugh at that.

as for as McCain knowing how to find him, lol good luck.




  1. my guess would be for the same reason you guys like to call McCain differnt names. you know, mcsame, mcbush, mclame. is that any different?

  2. Yes, it is an immature thing. Yet "Democrats" can call McCain "McBush" or other unfriendly names and they don't get bothered for it.

  3. Low class smear campaign. What else?

  4. Maybe it's a response to "McSame" "McShame" etc....

  5. Or keep pointing out his middle name?

    h**l, john SIDNEY mccain doesnt sound much better.

  6. Bush couldn't catch Bin Ladin, huh? Then by that logic, you're claiming that Bush is the one responsible for catching Saddam...right?

  7. Because they can't spell!  

  8. I guess they find it funny. Personally I find it cheap and offensive.

  9. What about McCain and the Dems?

    He is always,  McLame, McSame, McShame,

    Democrats are no better...

  10. It shows absolutely No class! Senior Bush and Osama bin Laden are oil friends just check out the history and connections.  

    Wake up America!!!

  11. because they are trying to distract people so they don't see that their underage unwed daughters are getting pregnant

  12. It's unforgiveable.  They are playing on typical white American fear.  Fear of other cultures, fear of other races, fear of the unknown.  It's this fear that makes us stupid.  It's stupidity that would allow enough people to vote for McCain.  Eight is enough!  

  13. I really believe that this is an honest slip up. I have done it several times myself without meaning any disrespect to anyone.

  14. It's no joke. They want to implant that similar sounding name in the empty heads of their followers, so they won't vote for him. Just wait, republican paranoia hasn't kicked in yet. There'll be some kind of watergate fiasco before the election, no doubt !!

  15. The only person I've heard call obama-osama was democrat Ted Kennedy.

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