
Why do Republicans lie and distort so much these days!?

by Guest34048  |  earlier

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I seem to have to Fact check everything they say and write using Snopes or, can they not tell the truth on anything? Why would you want to lie and spread lies so much, or think that people are not smart enough to check what you say or do? ? do you feel any guilt for being this way? Why when you compare the two parties that corruption is so much higher with Conservatives?




  1. be careful, you did a mistake it is obama supporters not republicans......and i repaet just obama backers, because they don´t represent all the democratic party

  2. THESE DAYS? Honey they have been doing it for YEARS!

  3. Dems live in a fantasy world.  They can't tell fact from fiction.

  4. Everyone lies.

  5. Why do Democrats lie and distort so much these days!?

    I seem to have to Fact check everything they say and write using Snopes or, can they not tell the truth on anything? Why would you want to lie and spread lies so much, or think that people are not smart enough to check what you say or do? ? do you feel any guilt for being this way? Why when you compare the two parties that corruption is so much higher with liberals?

    Dumb questions get dumb answers.

  6. My God, we've been infiltrated by the Democrats

    It does come from both sides. I try to back up my answers with links to the facts. This time of night I believe the youth come on and the debate suffers.

  7. Calm yourself.  Contain your hysteria.  Take a deep breath.  Now, use facts and logic.  Don't be glib, take your time to explain the perceived "lies" you claim are so ubiquitous.

  8. I think they lie about Obama because, search as they may, they can't find anything bad about him.  They want to defeat him with lies and innuendo as they did John Kerry.  They also want to avoid talking issues, because Bush has been the most unpopular president in history and McCain is like his clone.  McCain voted with Bush 95% of the time in 2007.  I can understand that the wealthy don't want to lose the handouts they receive from Bush, but it is beyond me why anyone else would vote for McCain, which is a vote against their own self interest.  McCain believes that millionaires are members of the middle class, and evidently that it isn't unusual to own so many houses that you don't even know how many you actually own.    

  9. You mean like certain people saying McCain has a Vietnamese love child, Palin had an abortion, or that her husband is a big oil executive...those type of lies....right.

  10. I ask the same question all the time.

    To Netjr: Actually Bush said that McCain had love children...  Know your party before you try to make a point.

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