
Why do Republicans live under the delusion that you can run a government without collecting taxes?

by Guest61942  |  earlier

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Who will pay for your corporate welfare Republicans ?

Who will pay for your wars Republicans ?

Where will you get the money to embezzle from the government Republicans ?




  1. We don't.  So if we don't raise taxes we must "cut" government.  That means make it smaller, less intrusive in our lives, and more efficient with yours and my money.

  2. They make you think they can but just remember that there was a balanced budget when Bush took office and our economy wasn't in dire conditions as they are now. There will always be taxes the real question is will they be spent effectively or wasted like in the past 8 years.

  3. you asked here's your answer with no spin

    top 1% of taxpayers, those who earn above $388,806, paid 40% of all income taxes in 2006, the highest share in at least 40 years. The top 10% in income, those earning more than $108,904, paid 71%. Barack Obama says he's going to cut taxes for those at the bottom, but that's also going to be a challenge because Americans with an income below the median paid a record low 2.9% of all income taxes, while the top 50% paid 97.1%. Perhaps he thinks half the country should pay all the taxes to support the other half.

  4. Everyone making over a billion should definitely start to actually pay taxes again.  Look at what the top income bracket was paying in taxes in the good old 1950s--92%!!!

    They've avoided taxes with loopholes, tax havens, and not having to pay the excise and tariffs that they used to (which is causing this trade deficit and which was the main source of revenue before income taxes) so it's time they pay back what they owe and give everyone else a break!

  5. I will never understand that.

  6. Just Leave!

  7. It's puzzling, isn't it?

    One has to assume that A) the people who ignore the government spending spending  spending  spending  spending are the same people who spend spend spend themselves.

    And then declare bankruptcy.

    and B) Corporations who benefit from the government spending spending spending. What the h**l do they care if American economy goes down the toilet? They have their home offices and bank accounts in places all over the world, anyway. NOT here.

  8. must be joking with this question. Republicans love to tax the middle class and poor , drain all the wealth from them while they build a huge police state and military only to protect the 10%ers who they constantly do favors for.

    This Neocon gov't expanded gov't by leaps and bounds, the Reagan/BUSH adm started up the police state growing the gov't with their failure by design war on "drugs", they love a bloated gov't, tax the poor, give to the rich, hope for the best.

    (this includes the dems too)

  9. Fat Democrat Union are big investors in oil and so id Harvard's Endowment Fund,

    $1,400 of my real estate tax goes to medicaid, what about

    all the sales staxes,

    Democrat run all inner-cities and show nothing after almost 50 years

    and Trillions upon Trillions Actually they show negative  

  10. We don't believe that at all. We just think a smaller government that doesn't try to pay for every jobless liberal and starving artist who has a drug habit doesn't need to collect as much taxes. Creating jobs via small business and the so-called evil corporations is the only way to truly promote a strong economy. When you tax the wealthy (who own the businesses, jobs are eliminated and unemployment goes up.

    The democrats don't see the inevitable job losses as a problem because through the additional taxes they can afford to beef up the funds needed to pay for the open hands at the unemployment and welfare line.

    Helath insurance doesn't even concern me because I have a J-O-B that offers a plan. I pay for it with my hard-earned dollars. Now, why do you suppose I should be taxed to provide someone else (who I don't know and probably wouldn't like) free health care?  

  11. I am not aware of any republicans, or for that matter libertarians, who believe you can run a government without taxes.  What I do know is that some of us republican-libertarians believe that individuals and businesses can spend their money more responsibily and efficiently than the government can (a la the much hyped "bridge to nowhere"- which I will admit was not a proud moment for us).  We also believe that the Constitution's right to property and prohibition on government taking property should prevent someone like Barak Obama (or Dennis Kucinich) from having effective tax rates of 75% (with state, local, and employment taxes) on money earned, plus another 35% on money invested (which was already taxed once at the earning level) and another 60%+ when you die.

    We also believe it's unjust to unfairly tax the top 5% to pay for the entirety of the bottom 50%'s share.  

  12. we have more people in this nation every year which means more taxes...  If we would get the Dems to kick out the illegals...  oh thats right they need those  votes......

      The illegals are taxing out goverment like nothing else!!  

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