
Why do Republicans praise the surge and then say they are "PRO-LIFE"?

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Senator Obama was right about the War from the very beginning. Had the Republicans listened there would never have been a surge and tens of thousands of deaths on both sides. This does not include the wounded and many civiian casualties. War is evil. Diplomacy and sanctions are always much better.




  1. Yeah you are right about one thing. Tens of thousands of deaths wouldn't have occurred, the hundreds of thousands that Saddam Hussein was instigating would have continued.

    The surge reduced the number of American deaths, plus the fact that the militants have run out of suicide bombers.  

  2. The terrorists went through 8 years of sanctions and diplomacy with president clinton, and they went through 4 years of diplomacy and sanctions with Bush 41.  After all that, they still attacked us and murdered over 3,000 of our people on Sept 11, 2001.  

    I agree with you statement that war is evil.  I also believe in diplomacy and sanctions.  I also believe that when diplomacy and sanctions don't work, you have to do something to stop the terrorists.   The damage and death toll would be far worse to have done nothing.  And, further, the surge has reduced the casualties and the deaths on all sides, so it (although brutal) has actually served to save lives in the long run.  

  3. Just how do you reason with a terrorist? Diplomacy does not work with people who are taught to kill at an early age anyone that does not have the same religion. By the way how many people have died by terrorists hands in the U.S. since we began this offensive stance against terrorism?

  4. Republicans load their question when they say "do you want the U.S. to win the war." First off only congress can declare "war." This question is B.S. because it steps over the fact that we shouldn't have been there in the first place.

    Now they know that Bush was wrong about Iraq and it's link to Al Qaeda, and he was wrong about weapons of mass destruction. What do the republicans do just forget all that and say since we are there we should "win the war," but the right has not given us what "win" is or what the h**l they mean by "surge."

    Republicans are desperate to drum up any kind of support for this diaster so they make you feel like if you are not for the war right now you are not for our troops, not for democracy, or "pro-life."

    You can not spin a war that has destroyed families around the world, but have made certian companies affliliated with Bush rich. The American people are not that stupid.

  5. i agree, and that is a question that noone here can answer.

    see, i realized that we cant blame the republican people.

    but you have to as your govt, because though they like to keep us shut up by telling us that we have power, we dont.

  6. Well they didn't listen to Obama at the beginning, so the  point is mute.

    and that should be if the Republicans and Democrats.

    "Advocates of ending sanctions have accepted Iraqi claims without critical examination. One report, estimating excess deaths of children under five years of age at 500,000 in 1995"

    Tell me where diplomacy and sanctions have ever actually worked?

    take your chocie

    In modern times economic sanctions became a more common tool of coercive foreign policy, as a prelude or alternative to warfare, after the end of the Cold War. Multistate sanctions, such as those imposed by the United Nations (UN), were applied only to Southern Rhodesia (1966) and South Africa (1977) prior to the end of the Cold War. Since then multistate sanctions have been applied against Iraq (1990), Somalia (1992), Libya (1992), the Yugoslav Federation of Serbia and Montenegro (1992), Liberia (1992), Haiti (1993), Angola (1993), Rwanda (1994), and Sierra Leone (1997

  7. Trying to make hypocrisy out of two issues: War and abortion. Typical for a liberal hippie.

    Diplomacy and sanctions don't always work. In fact they usually don't in the long run. Didn't stop Hilter from beating the c**p out of his neighbors and Poland. Mommy diplomacy is useless when dealing with crazy people. Abijimidad is unphased by sanctions and I see it as if a nuke war is going to start he's the one whose going to do it for the will of allah. As he is religious whacko like the ones that blow themselves up but he's developing nukes. As many muslims in places of power in the middle east are usually insane.

    What would you say to the million people Saddam Hussein killed? What about the Iraqi olympic atheletes whom were tortured and murdered including their families when they didn't get the gold? Ever hear about that ****? I bet not!

    War sucks, you think we like this? Sometimes is necessary. But were not going to leave until the job is done. You better brush up on your history to happenned in vietnam when we pulled out. Why don't you look up all the massacres that happened in that country afterwards. The surge is working but you liberals don't wan't to admit that.

    American casualties are at not even 5,000 trajic as each death is but I won't call our troops terrorists like Kerry did. That 1 million Iraqis killed in the war is infalted massivley and most of those are from suicide bombers and "fatwahs" I think there called that kill people becasue of religious beliefs.

    And here come the thumbs down from the bleeding heart obamatards, hippies, liberals, and stupid people...

    Edit: There children are taught how to use machine guns at age 7. They are taught religious extremism and to hate jews, and kill everyone who will not bow to the will of allah or is not muslim. In fact in Saudi Arabia being anything not muslim is punishable by death, among the country that executes the most amount of children per year. Ever seen the muslim video of a mickey mouse look alike telling them to kill jews? It's on youtube.

  8. Your comparison is oversimplified and ridiculous.

    First of all, why are you targeting the surge? The surge was the right decision. The surge has saved more lives than if there had not been a surge. The surge has brought more stability to Iraq and introduce at least two criteria that could lead to its independence (if only the Iraqi politicians will get their **** together).

    The invasion of Iraq, on the other hand, was ill advised, for the reason that it's main purpose, finding and eliminating WMDs turned out to be bogus. This was a function of poor ethical judgment and intelligence on the part of the Bush administration. On the other hand, it did eliminate the Saddam regime, which was anything BUT pro-life within its own borders. So you might be able to argue that the Iraq invasion is, in a way, pro-life, though that'd be stretching it.

    It doesn't really matter though, because abortion and war are two completely different things. War is state-sanctioned murder necessitated for the purpose of national preservation (it is only hindsight that we learn that our basis for the war was not so strong). Abortion, on the other hand, is the unnecessary termination of a fetus for reasons other than national preservation. There's no comparison of justification in this case.

  9. You are misinformed or dishonest.

  10. cause lots of rep voters watch corporate news like FOX, so they don't even know how many iraqies have been killed for their cheap oil

    it's 1,200,000 dead iraqies

    how evil is america?


    wake up you sick country, STOP YOUR MASS KILLINGS!

  11. You answered this question yourself!  We need to expand the meaning of "pro-life"!  I've had too many friends die because of others neglect.  

  12. US dead is about 4100, 300 from allied military, 400 contractor deaths,

    and some journalist deaths.

    Theres been about 7300 Iraqi police and military killed. and about 43k civilians (since 2005, the total is prob 50-60)

    thats maybe 60-70k deaths in totality,  but remember most of the civilian and nearly all the military contractor and journalist deaths were caused by insurgents and saddam loyalists.

    60-70k deaths is relatively small number of deaths compared the people that were killed by saddams regime previous to 2003.

  13. Letting a stalinist govermnment exterminate millions over the years is what the democrats prefer.  

  14. Where do you get your statistics, American losses aren't even half that.

    And anyone can take a term out of context.

  15. Why do Democrats believe in giving second chances, but not first chances?

  16. Pro-life is not a concept of allowing aggression against ourselves and our allies and not responding in hysterical concerns over not being a peaceful people. Liberals like to throw out words like "Diplomacy and sanctions" even after they've been completely shown to fail because it creates the false notion that "Gee, we could have done more...we just needed to keep talking". After Saddam invade Kuwait he was pushed back and told by the United Nations conditions for his surrender, and he continued attacks and violated every ounce of diplomacy and sanction used with him and his government. Finally after a decade of violating the cease fire in a war that never ended we took him to task. We needed to have a surge to protect our troops lives against Iranian and Syrian troops flooding into Iraq and killing our men. That Obama shows a lack of ability to deal with situations like this is not what I would call a positive feature in the Democratic candidate, but none of this has a thing to do with a pro-life stance.  

  17. It's called hypocrisy

  18. Because they believe in killing adults and not unborn fetuses. I agree war is evil, be careful if the wrinkled one gets elected

  19. Ummmmm, because the surge is about sending more troops to Baghdad and pro life is about not sucking babies' brains out and dismembering them. There is no correlation in the 2.

  20. Really dog tens of thousands? why do I smell a lie, I wonder... maybe because it is a LIE!

    Oh yeah LIARS are evil to you LIAR!

  21. Apparently there are so many dumb Americans that still vote for unfit leaders.

    How can anyone explain Bush's second term?

    And now they are planning to elect a 72 yrs demented old man with mental/physical trauma?

    We are in trouble.

  22. Republicans believe in saving babies and killing terrorists.

    Democrats believe in killing babies and protecting terrorists.

  23. yea we could have talked and ignored the threat much like Clinton did, but then again the terrorist attacked the USS cole,  US embassy's in africa, and the first attack on the towers and of course the second attack on the towers, the pentagon attack and the failed attack ont the white house,  each time they used diplomacy it got worse, more and more americans got hurt even in the

    Bible it says to turn your plows in to a sword to defend your self, the war on terrorism is in  defense of you, me and our way of life, if youu  don't   like it go live in another country and see if it is any better, by the way how many lives have we saved  by fightingn them in their home and not here in the streets of Las Angles, New York, Atlanta and houston just to name a few

  24. How well you said it. Congratulations.

    No War, no surge, no billions. How much better we would be had that been the case.

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