
Why do Republicans seems to be so un articulate?

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Excuse me i meant to say inarticulate.




  1. classic. you can find no fault with what we say, so you focus on the way we say it.

    poor liberal. does someone need a hug?

  2. Try explaining the question so intelligent people can understand it.

  3. LOL...perhaps you need to become a bit more articulate yourself.  Look up your words in the works wonders.

  4. Sounds like you are too.  Your spelling is atrocious! "Un articulate", this is not spelt correctly.  Look it up in the dictionary.  I am supposing you are a democrat.

  5. I love when a libturd comes out here calling Republicans stupid...and they make a spelling or grammar mistake. It's so delicious.

  6. Perhaps because Democrats are more about emotion & passion

    Republicans are more about facts & logic.

  7. Make sure you use a capital "BIG" letter "I" when you speak of yourself in a sentence sweetie.  Have a great day *smile*/wink!

  8. It's actually inarticulate.

  9. There's no space between "un" and "articulate" in "unarticulate".  Also, most people use "inarticulate", which is probably why you couldn't get "unarticulate" to pass your spell checker.


  10. They are Dull, Boring, and Life-less!

  11. your question is so ironic that you probably don't realize it. how about changing the "un" to "in" and placing it next to the other big word you are trying to use probably for the first time. lol

  12. Stay in school.

  13. The word is inarticulate.  By the way, I have been a republican and have hated hearing the President speak for his entire term.  I am more middle of the road now, but am not sure I can vote for Obama unless he comes out against the "Black Liberation Gospel" taught by his church.  BLG is just like the KKK in negative.  I cannot support racism of any kind.

  14. It's inarticulate.  We republicans are sticklers about our grammar.  And thanks for proving yourself wrong!  How embarrassing for you.  

    *Don't spell angry.  :)

  15. I think you're confused.

    Obama, with all of his stammering whenever he's not reading from a teleprompter, is a Democrat.

    Glad I could straighten that out for you.

  16. I agree. "un articulate" is not even a proper phrase.

    Yes, I've noticed how Obama's eyes rarely leave the telepromper!  And I love how he dropped the tone of his voice last year when people started calling him young and inexperienced.  Hmmm. I don't think I'm the only one who picked up on that.

  17. Duh! Learn proper grammar and people might take you seriously.

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