
Why do Republicans suddenly speak of change if Bush's presidency was that great?

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and if they think that change is necessary, do the Republicans blame Bush not performing these "necessary changes"?




  1. Because Conservatives do not like a lot of the things Bush and Congress did both before and after the Democrats took control.  Bush was far too accommodating of the Democrats when it came to spending.  Just like his father, he never seemed to understand that you cannot deal with these people.  He gave them most every spending bill they desired (so they could look good to there constituents) figuring he could expect their support when he needed it.  SURPRISE!  They got their money and then beat him over the head for excessive spending.

    The man did a lot of good things but he also screwed up quite a bit.  That very Liberal spending has got to stop.  We need a President to stand up to Congress or replace the circus we now have with a Newt Gingrich style Conservative Congress.


  2. It wasn't that great and McCain knows it.

  3. I ask the same thing. One thing this establishes for certain: Plagiarism is setting the moral tone for McCain's presumptive administration, looks like.

  4. Because you have to give respect to the President if he was in your party.  I did not vote for Bush, but I will vote for McCain.  I believe he does want to get rid of excessive govt. spending, instead of just making us pay for the politicians frivolous spending, that both sides are guilty of!!!!!!

  5. They are simply stealing from Obama' s  campagain again.

    The Republicans have nothing original to say so they steal.

    They steal Obama's slogans and ideas

    And they steal artists music.  The group Heart is upset that used Barracuda without permission.  Will this ever end?

    Its the Republican way.


    Ann and Nancy Wilson are pissed at the Republican Party and have fired off a cease and desist letter to the McCain/Palin campaign.

    Specifically, the Heart women are upset that the GOP has used their classic "Barracuda" as a theme song for Sarah Palin. TMZ obtained a statement from Heart's rep, who says "The Republican campaign did not ask for permission to use the song, nor would they have been granted that permission."

    The statement goes on: "We have asked the Republican campaign publicly not to use our music. We hope our wishes will be honored."

    We're told Ann was watching TV today and heard the song at the convention when Palin was touted.

  6. The Republicans line is this : Bush was great but we need to change his policies.

    In other words the Republicans are insulting the intelligence of America.

  7. No.  They blame the do-nothing 110th Congress, which won't allow a vote on domestic drilling.  I guess those in charge of Congress would rather fund our enemies.

    As far as the plagiarism charge, if there is any "plagiarism" it is because Senator Biden showed them how.

  8. they think it is great ,what idiots

  9. You can ALWAYS improve.

  10. Politicians will say anything to get votes....except the truth.

  11. The same reason Obama does when Democrats control 2/3 of the government.  Why did he change from change of the politics to change of power from republicans to democrats.  The only thing he changes is his mind on the method that he will gain power so that he can promote his communist agenda.

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