
Why do Republicans think that McCain is going to do better than Obama in the debates? ?

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Obama seems ten times more intelligent than McCain, and McCain didn't exactly light it up in the Republican Debates.




  1. McCain will try to maneuver Obama into answering very specific detail oriented question, and Obama's tremendous knowledge gaps will show through. That's what the republicans are hoping will happen, at least.

  2. Well, we watched saddleback and I think that's all the information we need. McCain gave clear answers. Obama danced around on them and said "uhhh" about 100 times.

  3. If you've seen any of Obama's unscripted responses to questions, they aren't so impressive.  He say "umm" a lot and often will throw out poorly thought out statements like "that's above my pay grade".  Obama's great when he's giving a well-rehearsed speech full of vague ideas.  When he's asked a tough question, he's not so convincing.

  4. A lot of them look at Saddleback but Saddleback was more of a question/answer forum. I can't wait to see how each candidate does matching the policies up to one another.

  5. Because they know how the Rove machine can spew lies, ignore issues and make any good honest man look like sh**.

  6. maybe the lack of a telepromptor..

  7. Beats me. McPOW forgets questions, completely ignores them or doesn't know the answer to simple questions like "how many houses do you own?"

    All this talk of Obama being lost without a teleprompter is highly amusing when you watch McPOW constantly looking down at his speech.

    But to be serious, McPOW doesn't like debates. For 5 and a half years, he could only debate himself while he was a prisoner.

  8. Should be interesting.  Obama without a teleprompter is lost.

    I'm looking forward to the debates!  If it's anything like Saddleback, McCain will win big.

  9. So far the score card reads McCain 1- Obama 0  That would be the Saddleback forum where Obama tanked so bad.  That is why.

  10. I guess it is hard for someone to argue with the ear piece in mccain's ear telling him what to say.

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