
Why do Republicans vote blindly for McBush - W/d**k and their groupie John have?

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The Bush Administration has:

· balked at an increase in the rise of death benefits for our troops

· attempted to charge our wounded for their meals.

· tried to reduce hazardous duty pay by almost half

· tried to reduce dependent housing allowance by almost half

· said that 440 million in home purchase guarantees for active duty personnel was too expensive

· allowed Walter Reed Army Hospital to deteriorate

· closed several VA hospitals

· tried to implement a fee for VA benefits

· refused to give VA medical care to national guardsmen and reservists once they went off active duty.

· wanted to freeze pay raises for certain pay grades

· thought a war could be fought on the cheap (against the advice of the Army)

· thought it was a war that could pay for itself

· that told us that the Iraqis would greet us with flowers

· that told us that the insurgency was in its final throes. (That was 2005).




  1. Why is this in the military section? lol?

  2. We don't we haven't drank the Obama Kool AId

  3. You really need to get out more, and then maybe you would know that Bush is not running for President.

    FOR YOUR INFORMATION: The Person running for President of THESE United States of American is John McCain. He has a VP running mate Called Governor Sarah Palin from Alaska. That is that Big Oil Rich State up North.

    McCain has proved his loyalty and dedication to Our Country, and is so qualified to be President when compared to Obama, that it is ridicules to even try to compare them. The VP choice of the Republican Party is also more qualified to be President than the Democrat's choice of Obama.

  4. Because Republicans are selfish and too proud to admit that they have made a mistake ... so they are willing to run the country into the ground instead of admitting they were wrong...

  5. We know liberals are a little slow. But here's a news flash. Neither Bush are Cheney are running for office.

  6. When I first read your question, I felt immediately compelled to defend Mcain, but, then I read your question again and I realized you were talking about Bush. Bush is done. There's a new president on the way.

    I feel your frustration, truly, and I'm hoping that whoever wins this election will do what's right for the US, take care of our veterans, and keep us all safe from terrorists in our country.

  7. The Conservative voters would elect Po key mon if that was there candidate! Just look at McCain he bombed out the last two presidential races, Now low and behold he is the republican saint! As for the war Just think of a man driving a car lost and too stubborn to stop and ask for directions. Now that old f**t thinks a M.I.L.F. for a V.P. will get him into the oval office.

  8. We didn't vote blindly for Bush.  You Dems gave us no one to consider seriously!

  9. The Obama Administration will do nothing.

    Sources - his past

    Him and his VP are like an empty suit (Obama) in a wind storm(Biden)

  10. Because the republican stategy (that works) is that you dont have to sell your candidate, all you have to do is convince America that the other choice is worse...and the swiftboat liars and Karl Rove handle that

  11. Your question is stupid.

  12. good question and i think Senator Mccain is in love with Sarah considering he has only met her once before selecting her as VP

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