
Why do Repubs keep saying that Obama did not get a bump in the poll when he is up 8 points?

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This is getting weird! Are Repubs so far out-of-touch with reality that their brain is not comprehending words on a page? Obama's poll numbers have gone up but the Repubs keep saying that they didn't. What exactly is going on? Are all Repubs 80-year-old people with Alzheimer's? That's what it looks like when they deny reality.




  1. Yes, a one-time small bump taken directly after Obama made his speech.  That intimidating "bump" has already dropped back down 4.5 points.  Meaning with less than a 4 point lead (3.5 to be exact), the two are in a dead statistical heat =]

    Or have you never taken a statistics class?

    McCain '08


    Former beauty queen?  The unfortunate thing for you is that no matter how much Juvederm Michelle gets, she'll still remain surprisingly toad-like =]

  2. They watch FOX so it must be true! lmao

  3. Because in Republican land up is down, good is bad, high is low and so on. They seemingly never met a fact they didn't want to spin into a falsehood.  

  4. The GOP hot air machine will keep repeating false information.  If people keep hearing it, many begin to accept it as true.     Here is a link to a non partisan site that follows and 'blends' several national polls.    The race is close but Obama has maintained a consistent lead for many many weeks.

  5. In case you are so far out -of -touch the Republican campaign has not even started yet. Let's see your reaction next week. Miss Smarty

    Biden is 65

    Kennedy is an old womanizer baby killer murderer.

    Drunken idiot.

    The old man and the lady 2008

  6. Hillary and Bill gave Obama the bump....the republicans are hoping for a bump with Palin.  The republicans are really out-of-touch if they think Palin is equal to Hillary.  Palin must think Hillary supporters are stupid to compare herself and the VP position to Hillary as President.  

    I was a Hillary Supporter...and I don't like Obama and I don't like McCain.  Therefore comparing VPs....I like Biden.  I feel sorry for Palin how she is being used.  Then there is the issue of the platform of the two parties.  Rep = corporate welfare and war.  Dem=working people and diplomacy.  Bill Clinton was the best!

    Therefore, my choice is clear...Dems all the way!

  7. from your link: "The current results are based on Aug. 27-29 interviewing, which includes two nights of polling during the convention and one post-convention night on Friday. The Friday interviewing was conducted in an unusual political environment -- the first conducted fully after Obama's well-regarded acceptance speech and McCain's surprise announcement of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his vice presidential running mate. Each event in isolation has usually been associated with increased candidate support for the relevant party. On this day -- with strong partisan forces pushing the public in both directions -- Obama still polled better than he had been prior to the convention, but not as well as he was polling on the individual nights of the convention."

    The number is a 3 day rolling average and only the Friday night number is of interest to me.  Your link says it was lower than the other two nights in the polling, but doesn't say what it was.  Only Rasmussen has polled only the post convention/palin selection result and came up with a statistically unchanged Obama/McCain number from prior to the convention, meaning Palin erased any convention bump... pending longer term results, that is.

  8. who says what? he got a 3% bump. and mccain went down 5%.

    this is called post convention bump. it is usually around 20%.

    republican papers? what are those?

  9. They live in perpetual denial...

  10. Because he's up 8 point in ONLY the gallup poll . The Rasmussen Poll, which is a much larger sampling and is only "likely voters" shows Barrack up by a mere 2 points and thats after the "great" speech. There are two other national polls that show Obama up by only 2 points as well.. The Gallup poll is not historically as reliable as Rasmussen so I am less inclined to put stock in that poll and more inclined to validate the Rasmussen poll.

    Obama will not win this election. He has the thinnest resume of any Presidential candidate in history, and Biden is plagued by his record of failures in the senate.  

  11. I guess they are adopting McCain tactics: say first, check the facts later (if ever), and hope that people will be too lazy to verify what you said.

  12. Because they only read the Republican papers

  13. Not that polls mean all that much, but it is obvious the Republicans are in denial.  They don't want to admit that McCain hung himself wit his VP pick.  This election is not nearly as close as they think it is.  No Republican had a chance in this election anyway--people are sick of it and want something different.  Now that McCain has picked a former beauty queen for his VP, the odds are even slimmer.  

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