
Why do Rotary and Lions Clubs are all over Mexico since many many years ago, even before the USA ?

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Why do Rotary and Lions Clubs are all over Mexico since many many years ago, even before the USA ?




  1. Rotary was formed in Chicago, IL, USA in 1905 and is the world's first service club.

    Lions Club also formed in Chicago in 1917. It is larger than Rotary and has a different mission.

    Both are great international organizations.

  2. Not true. The first Rotary Club was formed in Chicago. The National Association of Rotary Clubs was formed in 1910 in the USA, and the first branch outside of the USA was opened that same year in Canada. Lions Clubs International was also founded in the USA, in 1917.

    Look up both on Wikipedia for more information.

  3. Hola mi Amigo are you sure they existed in Mexico before the U S I know the Rotary does good work they help me as a boy

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