
Why do Rugby fans go over and punk on the American football board?

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Just curious, I dont see any American football people over here saying Rugby is for puss!es or anything.

And why do they always say NFL football players are wusses for wearing pads? Does anyone here really think any rugby stars could take a blow full speed from a 6'6", 350 lb guy who can run a 4.6 40 without protection every 5 minutes on average for 2 hours once a week and walk off the field perfectly fine?




  1. Australians are losers

  2. Just one answers

    watch this and then slag off rugby.

  3. Don't get me wrong American football is a tough game but size and speed alone is not enough to be proficient at Rugby.  

    As a Canadian I played rugby against US universities (my University SFU, played in the NAIAs at the time) and while it was a bit intimidating lined up next to some of the giant football crossovers (most of the American rugby players came from a football background) it was soon evident that they didn't have the conditioning to play rugby.

    They are both tough games but football doesn't require the cardio that rugby does, nor the ball handling skills.  Perhaps thats where the comments come from.

  4. because the rugby in england primary game

  5. I'm with Droid. While we are on the matter, why won't Joe Calzaghe stop hiding in the closet and fight the big, bad German Kessler? Does he need an American to hold his hand and fight his fight for him? Does history repeat itself?

      get off your high-horse, you pasty looking, kidney pie eating little reprobates!

  6. He would probably cry like a big girl without his beloved padding and helmet,he might fall over and hit his head on ground and shock:horror: get a headache!Besides i would love to see that that fat b@stard run around for 80+ mins and get battered!

    So,girls,get off your asses and play rugby!Rugby is all about running at someone full force and the ole shoulder in 'em.Also play continues no matter what happens(unless someone dies)and football people say that they have not hear ed of anyone receiving career ending injuries.Well,hundreds of people a year brake their necks playing rugby a year,mainly in scrums.Read this

    Wales for the world cup!

    Cymru am byth!

  7. i am a beloved fan of both sports, and a devout follower of both too.  i beleive they incorporate extremely well into one another, both having pros and cons.

    i assure you, as a player myself, a man serious about either sport is a full man himself. pads or no pads, both games are a no-bullshit situation.

  8. i have played rugby for years at a high level in new zealand and i don't understand why rugby players will do that. NFL seems to me to be a good game I'm not sure if i understand it all but i will watch it for a bit. Do i think that rugby is more physically demanding yes i do but that's my opinion and i don't claim to know it all. However i too get annoyed with rugby people that talk about how hard it is and proclaim that just because someone plays rugby it makes them hard (if you look on you tube and search rugby hits the NFL V rugby debate is in full swing) or for that matter playing American football makes them hard they are very mistaken as i know from first hand experience that there are a lot of people that play rugby (I'm sure this is the same in American football as well) train like Tarzan and play like Jane. So to answer your question why they would do that i would put it down to them being very ordinary players and being insecure about it and rubbish someone else's sport to make themselves feel good instead worrying bout there own game and that goes for American footballers as well as this whole rugby Vs American football argument is two way traffic.

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