
Why do Rules and Regulations exist in military, and why is it important to obey them

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Why do Rules and Regulations exist in military, and why is it important to obey them




  1. so we dont have retards defending our country

  2. If you had no rules, then you would have guys which a bunch of guns and explosive and could do anything with certainly see why that his a problem

  3. Military discipline.  It does exist.

    I guess you've never met someone fresh from USMC boot camp.  They go in a moron with too much time on their hands, like yourself, and come back a respectful (and respectable) human being.

  4. It's the same reason we have traffic laws. If there weren't any, you'd have nothing but a demolition derby on the roads. If you didn't have rules and regs in the military, you'd have nothing but barbarians running amock.

  5. Because if there weren't rules anywhere on the planet just think of what the world would be like... Most likely full of rapist and violence with guns.  That's the same with the Army if there were no rules then that would be like giving a random guy a gun to run around and shoot random people who are the enemy who they think are the enemy.  And there are regulation because if there was no specific time to get up then there would be people sleeping the entire boot camp where they are suppose to learn how to operate the gun and what all to do.  And then eventually at war there would be a bunch of random guys runnign around not knowing what to do.

  6. Okay its like this -

    You have a group of strong, energetic, immature, sexually frustrated and angry young men who are heavilly armed.  A group like that needs a lot of rules to make sure they don't do something stupid.

  7. OMG! I can't believe you are asking such a stupid question.

  8. It is so that you know what you are allowed to do and not to do, and to maintain control.

    It is the same in life, they call that the law.

  9. Answer this question first, and then just cut/paste your answer into your own question....

    why do rules and regulations exist in civilian world, and why is it important to obey them?

  10. Why do rule and regulations exist in the civilian world and why is it importent to obey them???

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