
Why do Russia,Venezuela and Iran dislike our central bank system?

by Guest58341  |  earlier

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Why is Chavez avoiding the South American Union?

Doesn't Putin like the Idea of a central-bank controled

Asian union?




  1. All of those three countries are run by dubious dictators who do not know what is democracy.

  2. authoritarian governments always dislike institutions they can't control .. controlling everything is a central tenet of socialism and related philosophies

  3. They want to take over and control the United States.

  4. The said Central Bank system does not beneifit Russia. Enough said. Russia does not oppose it as vehemently as Iran and Venezuela because the stakes aren't as high.

    Iran and Venezuela aren't exactly best buddies with the US, you know. What with the sanctions on Iran and the international politics between the US and Venezuela, they know they aren't going to get the best deal from that bank system.

  5. Because it excludes them and thereby their corruption...

  6. In specific regards to Iran, the American FED seized all Irani assets after the Shaw was run out in 1979.  The frozen assets and the real estate confiscated totaled about $2Billion.  Also, Russians are jealous of central bank because we can print worthless money, like the Russian central bank, yet the dollar is still a major international currency.  Believe it or not, international investors have more faith in the American system than in Russian system.  Historically, the Ruble is one of the worst preforming currencies because it's tied to the constant internal unrest that is Mother Russia.

  7. because it has made us successful and wealthy, and they don't like us

  8. It's not real yet, but there is supposedly a big group of economists, politicians, and business owners who are working on it awfully hard. Glenn Beck talks about it quite a bit in his new book. If you are interested, you ought to take a look at it. I'm not saying his words are gospel on it, but it sure makes you think and pay attention.

    The others who answered you are on the right tract though..

  9. because their central banks are all bankrupt.

  10. Russia, Venezuela and Iran don't exactly like playing by the international rules...

  11. From watching the spanish news and listening to what Chavez/Adjeminastad(I know I spell it wrong) has to say, there are several key points. Chavez and the Iranians say that our conceptual views toward a very cultural and diversable middle east and South America are wrong. That the American government forces their govermental world views of democracy on countries that differ in socialistic and communistic cultural points of views. That deploying force to solve personal agendas that benefit our country push for superiority/domination is wrong. On the other hand, Putin and Asia look ahead. They want  to keep their countries and the world balance with the US. They don't want to cloud political differences that could affect the world and the economic aid they rely from us. Nevertheless, I think the central bank system works differently. I think it benefits the UN and its european nations but not the entire world. It doesn't balance the world's economy deficits because it's not compatible to those trading system of 3rd world countries that have different commodities to exchange such as the one you've mentioned.

  12. They lost 60% of dollar value within last 5 years. That is 60%

    of their export profits, replaced with almost worthless dollar

    currencies. With printed money backed only by " I owe you"

    America tries replenish the treasury with black as well as

    glittering Gold. Only America can do this.

    Do you know that Soviet union was brought down not by

    Reagan or Pope John Paul XXIII  but by the western

    monatory policy. Many people do not know this truth.

  13. The FTAA(Free Trade of the Americas Agreement) which was being pushed by Washington was one of the things that brought Chavez to power to fight it.

    When a central bank/authority takes control of your economy, national sovereignty takes a nosedive. Countries like Venezuela and Iran have a history of foreign rule and have no desire to return to old ways.

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