
Why do Russian women who got married?

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to American men usually abused and humiliated, don't have right to say anything against and treated as maids, cooks, women who "work the corner"?

Do American guys think that Russian girls are for them to serve and should be thankful that they live under the roof and have "food" thrown on the table???

Appreciate honest answers and those who had some experience in this.




  1. It's not all Russian women, it's mostly "Mail-order brides". And if you think about it... It's mostly Eastern European and Asian women who are involved in the "Industry", if you will, of Mail-order brides. This could be because they want to come to America for a better life but feel stuck and don't really know how to do it, perhaps because they haven't enough money etc. So they feel that the only way they could get to America would be by marrying an American man.

    As for why they're treated badly, well, any man who is desperate enough for a mail-order wife must have some issues with how he treats women around him; Maybe he couldn't get a date in real life because of his views on women (How they're only good for cooking and cleaning and s*x and other lies of the sort) but his chauvinistic ways don't really matter when it comes to having a foreign bride.

    Plus, some men may see Russian women as nothing but Barbie dolls without any brains who are just good for love-making and don't deserve any respect.

    It's not right. :S

  2. Only complete loosers marry someone over the Internet. Many American men, who can not find a girlfriend, marry over the Internet and not only Russians but a lot of Asians too. I know a couple. He is an American, she is a Russian who was unhappy in her marriage and was seeking for a stable relationship. He lied to her about his financial situation, about his plans to marry someone to take care of his sick brother. After the marriage when she saw what was really happening she was devastated, but she already gave up her carrier in Russia and sold her apartment. She had nowhere to go.  

  3. I'm a Russian female who married an American and no, it's absolutely not this way with us. We have equal relationship, I work just as much and I have a higher level education than my husband so I can't say that that's an overwhelming truth. Maybe at times it does happen, but I've seen and have heard about many cases where people live in a completely happy and equal relationships.

  4. It's because they come to this country with this kind of "agreement". American men marry them (sometimes without even seeing them first), so they can come to US and in exchange women live that slavery life. I guess, if she really wanted, she could stand for herself, but then again - she probably lives in fear and dependence.  

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