
Why do SO MANY people ignore....?

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the simplest cell phone etiquette?

It's gotten so bad now, I've even seen business put up signs....

"To better serve you, PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CELL PHONE."

So really, whats the problem?




  1. Not enough people take their cell phones away and smash them when they're being rude.

  2. people tend to be selfish these days...more in to themselves than others;hence inconsideration for others

  3. People think the world revolves around them these days. I had to take the bus a couple a days ago and this girl held a whole conversation while I was sitting next to her loudly all the way until she got off.  

  4. Cell phones have become an important item in everyone's life, and people forget how to express decency.. and some people are just plain moronic.


  6. Because sometimes is distractfull! but still is annoying

  7. people dont see the use or cant understand. try telling them the effects.

  8. i like my cell phone. u got a problem,. buddy?

  9. In my opinion, the real problem is that common courtesy and even common sense have fallen out of fashion in american society.  These days, people lack both manners AND brains.  Even if a business takes the time to post a notice of something that should be patently obvious to anyone who isn't monosynaptic, people ignore these signs because they feel the rules somehow should not apply to them.  

    I work in an ER.  Once upon a time, it was believed that certain cell phone frequencies could interfere with cardiac monitoring equipment or the computerized IV pumps we used to deliver medications.  Although we had a sign that stated CLEARLY that cell phones were not allowed because it could potentially KILL someone, no one paid the least bit of attention - they didn't even care about their own family members who were patients in the ER!!!!  If you don't care that your actions might harm a family member, how could you possibly be expected to care about annoying some stranger???????

    I sincerely hope that good manners and intellegence come back into fashion someday in my lifetime.  I miss them so much . . . .

  10. i think it's just pure selfishness laced with demonism and wickedry. cell phones are the devils tool

  11. One of the post offices in west philly had a few 'please turn off your cell off' signs - different sizes, one on the glass between the worker and you.  I used to love watching people totally ignore the signs, talking and screaming away in line, but when they got up to the counter the worker would just stand there.  

    Some customers wouldn't even pick up on it!!  They'd say what they wanted, keep talking on the phone, and take 30 seconds to process that they aren't getting served because they are still on the cell phone.  

    People in line would just shake their heads.  

    Perhaps the "problem" as you asked is people feel anonymous like they do in a car or online.  They are feeling they are in "their" world and not interacting in yours at the time.  Also, perhaps, no true consequences.

  12. Some people ignore cell phone etiquette's to make there selves feel important...

  13. dunno.. ilove my cp though   :)

  14. Some people have jobs where they have to be available on call at all times.  But more people are just too self-centered to adhere to common courtesy.  

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