
Why do SOME people who choose not to have children appear to resent people that do have or want children? ?

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I have noticed that a lot of people seem to think it is "stupid" to have children, as if there is another way of continuing the human race.

I had a long debate about it yesterday, and some people INSULTED ME FIRST (i.e. a person called Red and another called BeingSmart), and when I retaliated, they clearly got very upset and got my question deleted.

I want to state very clearly that I strongly believe that people should live and let live. I do not resent people that do not have children.

Another point I made was that procreation is a natural thing. Whether people want to admit it or not, we are continuing the human race. If we all stopped having children, there would be no-one to look after the older generation. It's a normal thing to want children, my body is designed that way.

I don't mind anyone who doesnt want children, but why do some that DON'T want them feel anger towards those of us that do?

PS - please note - I AM a nice person, but if you insult me, better believe I will insult you back. If you can dish it out, you gotta be able to take it.




  1. people are always jealous of someone that is happy, and after having a little girl a year ago, thats exactly what kids bring, happiness. if you don't have kids then you don't understand the overwhelming love you feel for them,  nothing you can experience in life can ready you for it. take no notice of them, you have kids and feel fulfilled as a person, and let them feel empty all their lives, with something missing.

    good luck !

  2. I don't want to have children but I think that it's a personal choice so people like me that don't want kids shouldn't get angry at others that do want them.

    But it goes both ways... when people ask me about kids and I tell them I don't want any they get mad at me.  This frustrates me because who are they to tell me what to do with my own body.

    Also, the world isn't overpopulated. That's just a perception. The world has more than enough resources to provide for everyone, they are just not distributed fairly.

    You raised a good point about ageing. Social security relies on the principle that the young pay for the old, it's a life cycle thing.  When we're all old we will rely on younger generations to provide for us too.

  3. Having children is a part of human's completely natural and common. I don't understand why people always put down others who have many me it's a personal choice.  

  4. follow on from yesterday... if the people don't want to have children let them do what they want, the same goes for Ppl who want kids, i also received personal abuse from certain ppl for explaining MY personal experiences. as with any persons beliefs, be it where they stand on children or anything else, if i am allowed to live as i believe without prejudice, i will allow them to live the same.

  5. Simply because the couples who have children tend to look down upon their 'poor old single friends'! Unbelievable, they than tend to try to match you up with ANY single and beauty challenged or overweight friend they can find......there was that movie "about a boy" with Hugh Grant, even though it was based in London, thats exactly how it is here in Sydney! Married friends lose interest in their 'poor old single friends' if they don't win by ruining your life as well, yes they become boring and tend to SUCK!

  6. Having kids is fine with me as long as I don't have to pay for YOUR kids or raise YOUR kids...  Listening to people complain about their kids sure gets old as well.  On a side note I think the human race is overpopulated and not having natural predators mother nature will oust many of us in the form of diseases thanks solely to all those who think they are simply "continuing the human race."


  7. It works both ways - alot of people with children think childless people are odd.

    I can't have children for medical reasons and I've lost count of the number of times people have brought this up with me (usually friends with children) thinking I've made a choice not to have any when the reality is I can't.

  8. I think most of them are re-acting to the stupidity that they have experienced, but the overpopulation excuse is annoying to me.

  9. I am surprised that people would resent people just for choosing to have children. I do not have children yet but hopefully will in a few years. The only parents I get annoyed with are those that cannot or do not want to control their kids. When I am out for a meal I do not want to hear children screaming or see thenm running around the restaurant. As a child my parents would have taken my sisters and I home if we started to misbehave.  

  10. i agree with you

  11. I have a child, and had one at the age 19. i dont like when people say 'your too young to have kids' like it make a difference to them... arghhhh gets on my nerves. Most people who dont want children either want to work and want loads of money.. which is fair enough because im a stay at home mum and will go back to work once my child is in school. I dont see why people have to argue wheter they want children or not.. dont worry about it.. live happy..

  12. Because some people dont like children, i mean really hate them. So the thought of someone making more of them gets them angry.

    Personally, I cant wait till each baby is genetically modified in the womb to be a super baby. With perfect morals, perfect health and super intelligence. Then we can better ourselves as a race.

    Just my 2 cents.

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