
Why do SOME ppl let their young kids watch family guy?

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i dont think anybody should watch that.maybe adults but thats it.what do you think?




  1. I have seen it a time or 2, and feel that it has adult themes. My children know that they are not allowed to watch that, two and a half men, or King of Queens. They are little sponges and I do not need them repeating things or learning adult humor at their ages.

    In my opinion, the type of people who let their kids watch that kind of show are the same ones asking how to get their 4 year old to stop swearing...or why the 3 year old humps stuffed animals.

  2. because they're stupid and think all cartoons are appropriate for kids.

  3. oh i never let my kids watch that show!! my kids know they're not supposed to watch it and they went to my ex's house and he [being the childish moron that he is, had the show on and even after they said they weren't allowed to watch it...he actually had the nerve to tell them it's okay. boy was i pissed!! the show just isn't appropriate for children because it's humor meant for adults, there is way too much sexual innuendo and inappropriate language for kids.

  4. some adults are not responsible and never cared about what their children veiw which can cause a bad future. Thing they do in family guy can cause a chld to think it;s ok like swearing ,ect. Some adults are so tired they dont worry what their kids do

  5. I think its pretty funny (I'm 17 in a few weeks)

    But I wouldn't let my children watch it! Not until they move out!

  6. I don't think you're being uptight or unreasonable. I don't like my kids to watch it. When adult swim comes on they know to turn the channel and if there's any arguments...they can go to bed. I have an 11 year old stepson and his mom lets him watch it. I told house, my don't watch it here. It's just not appropiate. Sick really.

    It's people who let their kids watch **** like this that are stupid. Get lives people..really. Find something educational for your kids to watch. You want them to grow up wayyyyy to thing you know your daughter is knocked up at 14 and dropped out of school..seriously. Watch something worth while. Get off her back..she's just looking for opinions...

  7. I think that show has no point, it is the opposite of how a real family should live.  It shows no values, I do not allow my kids to see it.  It shows them naked too.

  8. because they aint arseholes like you maybe....well just because you are too much of a sook and you think its unmoral doesnt meann  it is....

  9. Because they are too lazy to be responsible parents and don't care what lessons their children do or don't learn. It's called morals and ethics, something these parents clearly know nothing about.

    Pure Laziness.

    In saying that I think the show is sooo stupid it is funny, but omg my kids are not watching that c**p, teenager - maybe, young child - definitely not.

  10. Probably because they're careless. I don't like the show. and where I live it's on all week. I agree with you Sarah S.  

  11. Because it makes you laugh and when you laugh you become happy.

    And it's not alll that bad. Just consists of insults.

    I've been watching it since I was 11. I didn't start getting the jokes till now. Like when Brian or Peter or Stewie always says something like "That was harder then when I played marco polo with Helen Keller in a pool once!" then it flashes to a scene like Helen Keller playing marco polo. Or when Meg says "You're Tom Arnold! And you're Fran Drescher, and you're the fat guy from Boogie Nights. And you're the Olsen twins?" in one the episodes do you think kids understand really what that all means? I only watched it because everyone always talked about it.

    I'm 14 now and I get it now, so it's funny.

    Now kids learn about s*x in 2nd grade, so hmmm could this be worse? NO.

  12. We don't have to agree with everything they say on the show to think it is a hilarious show, which it is. Yes, it is definetely offensive to some people. However, a lot of the humor is also satiric, showing unfortunate truths in society.  

  13. I let my kids watch it,they don't know what the people on the show are talking about,and when they watch it they be quiet,and they all stop arguing.Its not like the kids know what they are talking about,So I let my kids watch it.

  14. I think it depends on the child, if they are really impressionable then I dont think it would be a good idea to let them watch shows like that. However if the child is well behaved and knows right from wrong, i think it is okay

  15. I think the show is disgusting so I don't watch it but my son does.  He is an adult now so I can't stop him.

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