
Why do SOME rich people not care?

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I'm not saying all of them but some rich people have millions or billions of dollars or whatever type money their country uses dont give people who dont even have 1 cent for food any money. the rich person doesnt even think of the poor person when they are buying something useless for the same amount of money that can feed AND shelter a whole family for a month. does the rich person not realize what they are wasting or do they just not care? A lot of poor people die of bad living conditions, starvation, and sicknesses when someone who has the money can easily donate money and save a life.




  1. I use to ask my grandmother the same question.

    they simply don't want to get involved,because when they do they are taken advantage of.

  2. i think the mentality is what you can't see can't hurt you.  that or the rich think of poor people as lazy.  then again why should someone give up there hard earned money when it should be the government's problem.  as long as the homeless don't encroach on their homes they don't care.  on the other hand the more money you make the more you spend.  so who is to say they aren't helping by purchasing and helping out the economy with excise taxes.

  3. ^_^ bill Gates does care :)

    look him up in Wikipedia

    he has donated not just millions but BILLIONS

    :) some people are just too caught up in what they have that they dont appreciate it or care about others

  4. but thats my hard earned money

  5. You sound like a socialist. Why does someone elses problems get to be yours? Why do you think they should give away everything they've earned to someone else that is probably just lazy?

    This is the "redistribution of wealth" that Hillary talks about all the time. Steal from the rich and give it to the poor. like robin hood.

    I would be pissed if the gov came and decided I was rich in relation to someone else and stole from me to give my money to someone else just to make everyone even.

  6. selfabsorbed, get too busy with their life

  7. humans are self centered. its not just the rich. the poor and everyone in the middle. human beings are the worst creatures on earth. im sorry that this upsets you.

  8. if their money is hard earned with no illegal issues, then they can do what they please.

  9. live and let live..

    they have to answer to the same one you do when they die...

  10. SOME poor people do not care either, it is human nature.

    Wealthy people are accustomed to spending large sums of money and do not stop to consider every aspect or their spending, the same as a middle class person. Sometimes, it is just overwhelming to think about all the pain and misfortune in the world.

    The reality is, that most wealthy people do give to charities, but remain anonymous because they do not do so for the credit, but because they believe in giving back, we just are not aware of their gifts.

  11. oh chuff!

    here, have 10grand, go buy yourself some more money.

  12. because they have all the money they need so they dont care wat happens unless it happens to them

  13. Because they're too self-centered and only care about things which have a direct effect on them. As well, many self-made millionaires and billionaires believe that people should have to work to make it to the top (although obviously many people are at a strong disadvantage, even in well-developed countries) the same time, many rich people do care and do many things to help their communities by starting foundations, donating time and money, etc etc.

  14. Cause those rich people don't know what its like and therefore they don't care. A lot of rich people do give money to the poor but only because they used to be poor themselves and they know what its like.

  15. Everyone has to make their own way in life. If you can not do for your self then why should i [meaning anyone with a spare 5 dollars] do for you. and most poor people use their money for drugs and other misc bad things. why waist my money on some poor druggie when i can go buy a latte?

  16. =]

  17. I guess all that money clouds their minds.  It seems that many times the wrong people get all the money.  I think the selfish ones are the ones that NEVER had to work for it.  There are a lot of people like that.

  18. because if i were rich, i worked hard for my money. i didnt work to give it to poor people who are too lazy to get off their @ss and do some work! it's not my job to watch out for poor people and ish.

  19. they are over privileged and insensitive to the real problems in the world. Their arrogance does not allow room for humility and a sense of humanity. They have no access (nor do they want it) to the real problems of the world. All they see is making money and distracting themselves from the financial grave situation in this country by buying brand new shiny toys and brand new chest- inflated plastic women.

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