
Why do Saudis think Indians, Pakistanis and Filipinos are beneath them?

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Why do Saudis think Indians, Pakistanis and Filipinos are beneath them?




  1. Saudis hate everybody! they hate kuwaities, emiraties, other arabs, asians, and it gets worse, they also hate each other!

    Saudis from Riyadh hate Jeddah people and say about them they are not real Saudis they have foreign roots.

    And Saudis from Jeddah hate Riyadh people and say they are dumb idiot illiterate bedwins.

    But to be fair many countries have the same problem, so Saudis are not alone in this.

  2. Saudis hate all the rest of the world....h**l they even hate each other.....if not for the oil they will still be living in the desert riding camels.....

  3. maybe because the "saudis" are below everybody else...

  4. I am a Saudi .I can not deny that  fact in someway true ...I saw some of my people treating other nationalities in a bad way and i hate it,,,,You can not generalize Otherwise where the good ones go???.I simply ask all who feel poorly treated to fight back and get his right  with courts  and labor office  or go home and never come back to Saudi.. Saudis will only then  decide for themselves what to to..My analysis  for this kind of situation and i research deeply is is That :::::Most  Saudis are either unhappy or uneducated  so  whoever is unhappy about his treatment form Saudi must  be working with unhappy  or uneducated Saudi

  5. .......its only because of their country's vast wealth - Oil. Its their pride and joy.....but intelligence, good attitude and discipline are the things they don't have compared to the nationalities mentioned.....lolz

  6. you posted your question as if it's a proven fact that among all earths nationalities strictly the saudis, all the saudis, treat others and think of them as inferiors. that is simply untrue and unfair...

    you maybe focusing on a certain group (that includes other arabian gulf nationals as well not only saudis) that hire the nationalities you mentioned for lower jobs (maids, drivers, labor in general) and treat them one can deny that these exist, wither it's some complex they have in their own personalities or a wrong way to vent their own unhappiness and often only reflects on one group of the society not all....and it's not a saudi or GCC's a global issue that you find anywhere...different countries and different nationalities....the names change, the reasons are often similar and the actions are usually the same. read about the untouchables in india, or how "white" americans or even europeans still in some cases and areas think about and treat blacks, latinos and asians...

    a good decent saudi and a good decent muslim doesn't think or act in such a way...and these are all over, don't just focus on the your eyes, heart, and mind and you'll see right next to it the good thats truly saudi and islamic...

  7. Why do US think Arab, black people, non American are beneath??? dude if u look at any country you will find good and bad ideas so be sure all people are same in the world and you will find races people any where on the world.

    The God help us

  8. Its quite simple, they have a giant inferiority complex

    So they put evey one else down to make them selfs feel better !

  9. cuz saudis are b****s

  10. am I not mistaken that Indians themselves have the caste system in society?.... they brought it on themselves.. they rank themselves anyway....

  11. this's bcoz geographically saudis is on the top of india,pakistan n filipine,but if u compare with uk,america,china n canada,saudis is beneath them.

  12. i don't know

  13. um idk  their dumb and the think their economy is richer than the others

  14. geographically all the mentioned countries lie beneath Saudi Arabia! so there's nothing wrong in thinking like

  15. good question but I doubt you will get positive responses, its like in the USA, they are cheap labor

  16. Because they're a bunch of desert donkeys who think they know everything about the world.

  17. Oil..haha.. I dont know...

    Maybe because Saudi Arabia is where the holy land is? It is where Islam first took its roots?

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