
Why do Shias practice Muta marriage when Divorce is condemned in the Noble Quran? ?

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Divorce even though it is allowed in Islam it is Hated by Allah. Muta to the Shias is a marriage that is destined for divorce.

"You bear no sin if you divorce your wives AS LONG AS YOU HAVEN'T had (a sexual) contact (with them), and before settling (the amount of) the nuptial premium (for them). Yet, you should make provisions for them (even then); the affluent in keeping with his means, and the poor according to what he can afford. A fair provision is an obligation upon the pious. (The Noble Quran, 2:236)"

"Oh prophet, (and Oh you believers)! If you (must) divorce your women, divorce them for a (prescribed) period. Count the period (correctly). Fear Allah, your Lord, and do not _ unless they have committed a flagrantly immoral act _ expel your divorced women out of their homes. The women too should not leave their homes. These are the confines of Allah. Anyone overstepping the limits of Allah actually commits an outrage upon himself. You do not know! (During that period), Allah may well bring about something (to cause reconciliation between the husband and wife). (The Noble Quran, 65:1)"

Fear Allah?? So not only divorce is displeasing to Allah Almighty as we saw in the previous Noble Verse and also in this Noble Verse, but if the man is not careful with the divorce and the timing of the divorce, then Allah Almighty will not be pleased with him

"At the end of the (prescribed) period, either hold back your women (in wedlock) lawfully, according to the well-known (prescribed) manner, or make the divorce final in accordance with the well known (prescribed) way. Take two of your fair minded (and respected) men as your witnesses. (Oh witnesses)! Bear the witness truthfully for the sake of Allah! Those who believe in Allah, and the life-to-come, are hereby being asked to heed. Allah will provide a way out for the one who fears Him! (The Noble Quran, 65:2)"

Here in this Noble Verse, we see that divorce is not only discouraged, but it also has to be done in the most proper Islamic way.

Another look at Noble Verse 65:2 to see how Allah Almighty Commanded that at least two reliable witnesses must witness the divorce between the man and the woman:

"At the end of the (prescribed) period, either hold back your women (in wedlock) lawfully, according to the well-known (prescribed) manner, or make the divorce final in accordance with the well known (prescribed) way. Take two of your fair minded (and respected) men as your witnesses. (Oh witnesses)! Bear the witness truthfully for the sake of Allah! Those who believe in Allah, and the life-to-come, are hereby being asked to heed. Allah will provide a way out for the one who fears Him! (The Noble Quran, 65:2)"

The fact that the Islamic Pharisees (Shias) don't require witnesses for either the marriage and divorce in their temporary marriage contracts, makes it clearly go against Allah Almighty's Holy Words in Noble Verse 65:2.




  1. If we are doing Muta Its up to us and its in Quran

    Just Go and take your sister and mother for breast feeding to  Eygpt

  2. Shia believe that hadith cannot contradict the Qur'an. The Qur'an allows muta and there is no ayah against muta, thus making it halal.

    Shia also do wuthu according to how the Qur'an describes it and not based on how hadith describe it for the same reasons.

  3. @mary, how many guys hv you known by Mut'ah??

    so r u willing 2 do Mut'ah?

    ok r u willing to commit this HALAL?

    thx mary, i got a screen capture 4 yr answer, thx alot lol

  4. There is no divorce in Muta cause its a deal for a certain time , an agreement.

  5. i posted many question about muta ,but no answer .

    lets see your ,

    have a good luck.

  6. muta'a is haram thats why

    no, sunni marriages are not

    done with muta'a, wth

  7. Divorce is allowed, so its not "condemned".....just wanted to clarify.  

    Oh and the "i divorce you" 3 X is not islamic at all.....culture picked up over time.  

  8. i feel sick

    answer the question that related with muta  

  9. bcoz shias have rocks inside the heads

  10. muta is halal

    thats that

    ull see truth on judgement day okay?

    @ pink - wat u think ur funny by sayin that ?  

    noone, i dont do muta

    noone has to do muta

    its just HALAL

    edit - cant u read ? i said ' i dont do muta' that means no  DUH

    edit - no i dont need to !!

  11. وقال محمد بن سعيد الأصبهاني : ( سمعت شريكاً يقول : احمل العلم عن كل من لقيت إلا الرافضة ، فإنهم يضعون الحديث ويتخذونه ديناً )

    And Muhammad bin Sa’eed al-Asbahaanee said: ((I heard Shareek (Bin Abdillaah, Qaadhee of Koofaa) saying: “Take knowledge from whoever you meet except the Raafidhah, for they fabricate hadeeth and take it as religion))

    What do you expect from them?

    They take only what will "help" them from the Sunni sources but ignore the rest.

    This is their methodology.

    Basically it's a waste of time arguing with them.

    The bottom line is that Mut'a is a trivial issue compared to the shirk they commit.


    To refute what one of these Rawafidh mentioned here:

    1) The issue about "Mut'ah Hajj" which the Raafidhee accused Aal Sa'ood for paying Dr. Muhsin Khaan to distort shows a lot of deception as first he tries to play it off like a translation issue then accuses Imaam al Bukhaaree for distortion.

    Look at the chapter title: ‏{‏فمن تمتع بالعمرة إلى الحج‏}‏

    And it's well known amongst the scholars of Hadeeth that the Fiqh of Bukhaaree is in the titles: فقه البخاري في تراجمه. and this is basics of understanding Saheeh Bukhaaree.

    Imaam al-Bukhaaree recorded this Hadeeth in Kitaab al Hajj and not in Kitaab an-Nikaah!! And there is a reason for this, and the liars of the Rawaafidh cannot prove their claims except by lies which we shall see soon.

    So Ibn Hajar al Asqalaanee in his Fathul Baaree explained it as such, likewise an-Nawawee and other than them. See how the deception of the Rawaafidh become clearer and clearer now?

    But why did the deceptive Shee'ee not mention this Hadeeth which is Saheeh in prohibiting mut'ah? (mentioned in Saheeh Muslim under Kitaab an-Nikaah)

    أمرنا  Ã˜Â¨Ã˜Â§Ã™Â„متعة، عام الفتح، حين دخلنا مكة. ثم لم نخرج منها حتى رسول الله  Ã™Â†Ã™Â‡Ã˜Â§Ã™Â†Ã˜Â§ عنها

    2) His "sources" ?

    1. Al Kashaf al Bayan fi Tafsir al Quran by Imam Abu Ishaq Thalabi, under commentary of verse 4:24 of Quran

    I have this tafseer open to that exact verse, page 285 of volume 2 under the tafseer of Surah Nisaa verse 24.

    So following the Raafidhee lies, I've read the entirety of the tafseer and it actually refutes his position and Mut'ah.

    ath-Tha'alabee concluded his discussion on the minority who saw Mut'ah permissible with: قلت ولم يرخص في نكاح المتعة إلاّ عمران بن الحصين وعبد الله بن عباس وبعض أصحابه وطائفة من أهل البيت ، وفي قول ابن عباس

    And their position was known because they did not receive the narrations of prohibition. And he said:

    وسائر العلماء والفقهاء والصحابة والتابعين والسلف الصالحين على أن هذه الآية منسوخة ومتعة النساء حرام

    And until page 289 he mentions the position of prohibition and the many ahaadeeth and the reasons why Ibn 'Abbaas and 'Imraan bin Hussayn held the permissibility!!

    Nice way to place with the texts? Hide all except what supports them.

    2. Tafsir al-Kabir, by Imam Fakhr al-Razi, v3, pp 200,202, under the verse 4:24

    Fakhr ad deen ar-Raazee was a Mu'tazilee, not a sunni.

    I out of space here, but basically the point is INVESTIGATE what the Rawaafidh claim and you'll see their manifest lies and deciet

  12. Muta'a is harram!!

  13. muta is not haram it is allowed in islam and allah does allow it  

  14. Hmm to all WHO BELIEVE Mutah is halal, atleast use lil sense,

    A man sleeps with a woman, enjoy her, and use her as much till the contract is over.. isnt that PROSTITUTION? ... why wud anyone do muta unless its for pleasure..and how on earth do you think that its halal, explain please..I am way to confused..

    why is it a must that the woman must be experienced in those stuffs or something before the real marriage? no offence, but I am just asking..

  15. I wonder how many Shee eez are born every year out of Mutaah and not knowing who are their dads.

  16. look buddy just cause a few scholars say its halal, doesnt mean everyone agrees on that ruling, have u met all the shias in the world? have all the shias said "i have done Mutah"? have all the shias said "i agree Mutah is halal"?

    a lot of sunnis scholars say the shias are kaffirs and non-muslims, and look at how many other sunnis who disagree with that ruling? when will u thick headed moron realise that everyone is an indivdual and has their own opinion, when?

  17. For the life of me I cannot fathom why, but it's quite depressing and sad actually.

    Like many of the mistaken ideas spread in s**+'ism, the fact that this is incorrect is obvious.  However, I see the Shee'ah get more heated about this than almost any other issue.  I suppose it infuriates them that detractors would criticize what basically amounts to halaal prostitution in their religion.  That's basically what it is; give a marriage gift for a marriage that is stated up front to be temporary, have sexual relations with her, then divorce her and end all responsibility.

    What truly makes my heart ache are the women amongst the Shee'ah who support this.  They don't even realize that they are supporting their own dehumanization and oppression.  Mut'ah is one of the most demeaning things in s**+'ism because they basically use religion to justify a man using a woman as a temporary s*x object.  Why any woman would agree to not only this humiliation but also the possibility of having to raise children on her own when the man engages in this irresponsible practice is beyond me.

    The Shee'ah practice of Mut'ah is a perverted man's dream and righteous woman's nightmare.  Period.

  18. Interesting question.

    Poor shia'as. They're not even as good at playing the deception game as the Qadyanis. Uptil now, none of them has even come up with a real answer.

    Ask them Waqas, how many muta'a spouses can a person have at one time.

    And ask them bro., how many of the Ramadan users are products of muta'a. None of them will admit it. It's really humiliating to admit being a real b*****d, in the literal sense of the word. That's why it is prohibited.

  19. All sunni marriage is Muta, because all you have to do is say i divorce you 3 times and there you go.

    Edit*****by the way if you search this answer it has been asked a thousand times and have been answered. So as the question about Aisha, Abu Baker, and Umar. Do you guys just play the same record, why don't you ask more challanging questions that would stimulate my mind to think, i am getting bored, is this true though if you say Muta is haram is this halal mashallah

    The Permissibility to pay a woman for s*x, without fear of Islamic punishment

    We read in Dur al-Mukhthar, Volume 2, Page 474 (a compilation of the great Fatwas of Imam Abu Hanifa) as follows:

    We read in Fathul Qadeer that if a man informs a woman that he is paying her for s*x then he cannot be subject to any manner of Islamic penalty.

    Dur al-Mukhtar, Volume 2, Page 474

    It is indeed sad to say that the Hanafi madhab whilst catering for a man's sexual appetite is very prejudicial to monkeys. In Sahih al Bukhari Volume 5, Book 58, Number 188 we read the very sad plight of this immoral, promiscuous monkey:

    Narrated 'Amr bin Maimun:

    During the pre-Islamic period of ignorance I saw a she-monkey surrounded by a number of monkeys. They were all stoning it, because it had committed illegal sexual intercourse. I too, stoned it along with them.

    If this Hanafi had paid this she monkey for s*x he would have been absolved of any Islamic penalty, whilst this poor she monkey who releases her animal instincts is stoned to death!


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