
Why do Soccer Moms feel the need to drive huge SUV's?

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I just think it is humurous how you will see these gigantic SUV's like the H2, or Lincoln Navigator with these little dainty soccer moms driving there retarded kids around in them. First of all there is no need for them to own these vehicles, secondly alot of these SUV's are equipped to scale mountains and go through rivers, which makes me wonder why they need that equipment just to go to Chucky-Cheese or the local Mall. It really makes me laugh..especially with gas prices so high. To top it off these women don't even know how to drive these things. Most of these trucks today have push button 4-wheel drive and 10 bucks says these dumb woman couldn't even figure that out.




  1. its either that or drive a van. if i have kids im getting a suv it has as much room as a van and is safer.  people who can afford to drive suvs aren't affected by gas prices anyways.

  2. How many things do you do in your life just because you can? Why should this be any of your concern. And not that it's any of your business, but my wife is highly intelligent and she does know how to use the 4 wheel drive.

  3. uuhhm. you're pretty much being a sexist politically incorrect a**hole.

    suck it.

    although i do agree about the gas prices thing. you're right about that.

  4. Probably to feel safer.

  5. there's this thing called SAFETY. and don't be jealous just because they can afford nice cars and you can't.

  6. Space and safety for their passengers........

  7. It has the space that they need. If they have kids then, the kids are going to bring home friends and their soccer gear.

    I think you come off as jealous that you don't have an SUV.

  8. the tv told them it was in fashion

  9. I thought the Navigator would be chick car, too, but it turns out I see more men driving 'em than women.  Or maybe, it's just men who wish they were women?

    Anyways, either:

    Hubby buys it for 'em and needs bragging rights (to compensate for ???). OR

    Good salesman can easily sell her stuff she don't need.

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