
Why do Some Illegal Immigrants (Mexicans/Central Americans) have such an aggresive mentality??

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Perhaps I am biased. And this mainly applies to men.

When I am buying something in a convenience store I cant reach into my wallet fast enough before some Latino guy is creeping up behind me and shoving his stuff on the counter.

I was driving into the parking lot in Downtown LA and I drove up and two Latinos got in my path so I went around then to the little parking booth. It turned out they were the attendants. Why didn't they just come over to my window? Moreover, the lot was empty and these guys wanted me to park directly within the lines, in the middle of a lot, that was empty.


And why are they always staring at me and saying nothing?

Maybe hello?

Are they really trying to intimidate me?

Moreover, I hire latinos to clean my house and I always notice small things are missing. A DVD (p**n), a plate, small things here and there. I really don't care because they do a good job most of the time and the stuff I could do without, but really? Whats up with that?

In addition, when I lived in an apartment the cleaning lady would always take some of the clothes I left in the drier for 1-2 hours.

In addition, why do the lie so much?

I have called them on it a couple of times at work and my home and they have this wide eyed and amazed look and either say nothing or give some excuse.

Whats up?




  1. Gas ache

    ever eat beans i eat beans i love bean soup

  2. inbreeding.  I think they are always in a hurry because they have to always remain one step ahead of the INS.

  3. Every race has those type of people.

  4. Come on dude, it's not just you, everyone that lives in L.A. and is not Mexican get's treated that way by them.

  5. Because they're raised on asslan fairy tales and are taught to be racist,arrogant and aggressive.

  6. You should hire other immigrants to do your dirty work (Russians, Brazilians, Chinese, etc).

  7. It seems that you are down on people just because of looks. If you apply the same standards to white or black people, you will see the same attitudes.I know how you feel, that's why I don't let anyone I don't know in my home, and I certainly wouldn't hire some one who can't speak my language, or whom I could not trust.

  8. For Mexican it is history, this is something you can research it has to do with boarders, land and a war....

    As for your observation on rude and bad behavior, I believe that people have just stopped trying to raise good and decent human beings. Everyone thinks that they have "rights", my all time favorite is when people tag private property and call it there property taxes.

    I don't understand why you would condone stealing who cares what culture the person is from, and by the way you do care you mentioned it on an open forum. You worked hard for your property, it yours and unless you willing agreed to give what you have to someone you should stop sending mix message.

    Are you cool and understanding or are you tried and fed-up?

  9. you forgot to mention the always frequent, unwanted CAT CALLING. gross.  

  10. Unless your brown, this is what's to be expected.  Especially in downtown L.A.

  11. The libs will no doubt say you are generalizing with a broad brush and stop stereotyping. But since you and I are from the same planet and actually observe reality, I'm not sure why they do it. Probably because they know they're from a 3 rd world toilet and they know once they are here they have rights above and beyond an actual citizen . It's just this macho thing they have, it is in bedded deep with them and as you know its all about..'.Respect.'  They will try to trip you up any time they can just to try and prove to themselves that you are not superior to them. Even though... well you know.

  12. How do you know they are illegal? Personally I know many antisocial douches who are American citizens.

  13. The radar is called the "Acme Immigration Status Check Spy Kit". Maybe you have your batteries in backwards or it's set to detect Mexicans only setting. Do us a favor and set it to DETECT ALL, and you'll see it's not only Hispanics.

  14. Wait first you say the guy was illegal, how do you know this?

    and then you specifie the word illegal by saying this is how you call the people from mexico or central america, WTF?

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