
Why do Spanx have a hole in the crotch area?

by  |  earlier

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I love my Spanx! But I have wondered this ever since I bought them. Any ideas?




  1. Heheheh I'm sure you'll figure it out...

  2. seriously?!?!?  I can't imagine peeing without taking them off!!  what if you dribble?!  Gross!  

    (and besides, I wear panties under mine!)

    but yah, I've always wondered that too!  good question!  

    I'm going to guess.....ventilation?  should we call the spanx peopel?!

  3. My mind really lmfao

    I got to get me a gf with Spanx just so I can try....

    what u up2 on saturday:) movie? oh and bring ur Spanx..yep I can see that line being subtle



  4. so you can pee without peeling it off

    also for changing tampons

  5. in the immortal words of eazy-e, fo easy access baby.  when you're about to do the dirty deed, who wants to take the time to remove the spanx?

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