
Why do Swedish people seem so cold and rude?

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I'm one of those people that get a long with just about everyone; my friends always make fun of me for this since I'm very easy-going. But no matter how hard I try, I just do not GET Swedish people. When I talk to them they seem very rude, cold, and distant. I thought it was common courtesy to at least acknowledge someone; they seem very pious from what I've learn from talking to a bunch of them. And I talk to people all over! I have friends from China, Japan, Korea, Russia, Germany, the Caribbean, South America, etc. but the Swedes are just!.... IDK. This bothers me because I am supposed to go be going to school in Sweden next year and I'm thinking about changing my mind because of the type of attitude I keep getting...




  1. maybe you annoy them

  2. The Swedish have very high rates of alcoholism and severe depression.

    This may be why they act the way they do.

  3. Don't have a negative mindset about Swedish people just because of a few bad apples! There are rude,cold, distant people in every country, It's not excusively a Swedish trait. I'm sure you'll find people there who are friendly and courteous!

  4. Are you serious?

    Have you MET any Americans?

    We are so annoying!

    I disgust myself, I swear.

    I'm incredibly selfish and self-centered.

    Sometimes I just talk to hear my own angelic voice. I'll be having an entire conversation without knowing what's going on. I'm very rude.

  5. i know that many swedes and europeans may seem rude, but you have to remember what americans are like to them, we are probably the most annoying tourists ever and are not always portrayed positevely by the media, so other countries already have their own opinions about americans no matter how nice a person someone might be

    also, in some european countries and especially in russia i've noticed, people just have different social manners, and are less likely to be polite to foreigners or start conversation with anyone they don't know

  6. They live in a cold country. Can you blame them?

  7. I'm from Sweden and I get on with people from all over the world. So does my other Swedish friends.

    Swedes have a rather dry and sarcastic humour and we are also quite reserved which may be why you find them cold???

    Rude people are everywhere but I don't think you need to tell me all my countrymen are unpleasant people. I find that to be a bit rude of you...sorry...

    I can promise you this. Most Swedish people are very friendly. Just give them a chance, but do realise that cultural differences may exist and take that into account

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