
Why do Tae Kwon Do people think they are so special? You get owned....?

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TKD is a good way to get your head kicked in by a good jiu-jitsu practitioner. TKD relies on distance. Once the BJJ guy closes the distance and clinches the TKD moron, GAME OVER.

TKD guys? Defend yourself and let YouTube and history be the judge. Your form is for looks, BJJ is for RESULTS (snap and arm, put you to sleep, tear up a shoulder, etc.)




  1. I train in kickboxing and Thai boxing, I once sparred against a national champion of TKD.  His kicks were incredibly fast, during the fight/training I was happy to soak up what he had, parrying or blocking most of his strikes.  I waited until he started to tire and for him to over extend one of his kicks.  When he did I smacked him straight in the mouth (he had no guard), he then spent the rest of the rounds backing off and turning his head.  At the end of the last round I shin kicked him on his hamstrings and sent him flying lol.

    Before the session he was full of bravado, boasting about how fast he was and that he is all out attack.  You see for all his speed and aggression, he lacked true power.  And when faced against a fighter who can give or take he freaked out, when none of his fast flashy kicks worked.  

    Yes sport TKD looks good but it lacks that certain killer instinct, that a boxer/kickboxer/Thai boxer/bjj practitioner possesses.


  2. Lol, i love idiots who say TKD is useless, because they are dead wrong.

    It's not the martial art that matters, it never has been, and never will be. It comes down to whoever is using it, and how well they have applied to the situation.

    You are right on one thing, that tkd is used for distance, but what happens when the oppenent cant get close enough, because the tkd user knows how to move around and keep the opponent away with combo's of kicks.

    I am a tkd practioner, and i dont think that i am any better than anybody else. I could be a tenth degree black belt, and i would never think that. But when you say that The martial art is useless, you are wrong.

    It is the person who uses the martial art that matters, not the martial art. Every martial art has strong points and weak points, but it all comes down to the practioner, and if he can apply it to the situation.

  3. Jack D, how long have you been doing JiuJitsu for? I would think that, if you were a true practitioner, you would have better things to do/discuss than the most rehashed topic evar (BJJ > whatever).

    But you know what? Your type annoys me just as much as the idiots who think that grappling can be overcome on the strength of eye-gouging and biting alone. It's just as stupid to ignore striking as it is to ignore grappling.

    Get out of the 1993, man. Nowadays a lot of people have wised up to the ground game and train grappling. If not for groundwork, then at least for takedown defense. And honestly, what is BJJ going to do for you if you can't take the other guy down? Moves are harder to perform when you're getting punched in the face.

    Now I'm not going to act like there aren't a lot of people out there who can't defend a takedown. And yes, Artman, it actually is pretty darned easy to clinch up with somebody, if you're really intent on doing it. Honestly, I have met some people who do point-fighting TKD and think that they're the $h*t -- which is rediculous. But really, unless you're also sporting some good wrestling or striking, you're no better. Perhaps more effective, but just as one dimensional.

    Style vs style is so passe, dude. Now go beat off to pics of Royce and Eddie Bravo.

  4. This is simple what really works in mma

  5. but I study both, should I kick my own head in with BJJ? :-(

    just to remind people that BJJ practitioners are not thugs, we do not "kick peoples heads in"

    the people I train with train hard and respect those from other disciplines, whether it be TKD, Karate, or Muay Thai.

  6. i always laught at these answers about what martial arts are coming to and the spiritual angle.

    martial comes from the word 'mars', in latin, 'of war' or 'of the god of war''(who was called Mars).

    the spiritual c**p is what is sold to kids and suburbanites  who thaknfully will not get any closer to war than the tv screen.

    and one of those groups is TKD guys.

    sorry that is a fact. I don't like hating groups but when it comes down to self defence there should be no BS.

    And 99% of tradtional 'arts' are BS and fraudulently taught and will get the people doing them killed if they ever have to use them.

  7. Never judge a style by a practitioner, but who knows, maybe the TKD people, because there are so many of them cry for individuation.  I do love the "snap, tap or nap" philosophy of BJJ and it is a great art, but all this is the artist, not the art.

    As far as closing the distance, many CQB arts advocate the same thing, as a Combat SAMBO student I know this, as a forever Taiji student I know this concept of sealing, and of course chin na.  As a Krav Maga instructor I like to be in close.

    I have run into lots of cool TKD practitioners, one who for over 20 years was a TKD student and is now a devoted Taiji student.

    It is the artist not the art, so when you hear a person puffing, it is the person's own need for self assurance.  Ignore it, ignore the TKD guys and just look to people, some practice an art for self improvement, some for health and some for whatever reason.  Your only  concern is just to develop yourself into the best martial artist possible.

    Worst thing happens, he throws a kick, grab it and sweep him, land in a nice ankle lock, remember to really torque the ankle, knee and leg.  He throws a punch, parry it or better eat it to p**s him off, get head control guillotine him and let him have a nice nap to think it over.

  8. You don't understand the purpose of martial arts.   It's a lifestyle, not a competetion.  The actual fighting is really only a small part of the lifestyle.  That being said, each style has it's strengths and weaknesses in combat, but being able to exploit each other's weaknesses is more important than just knowing what they are.

  9. thats like your opinion dude

  10. You have not run into a well trained practitioner of Taekwando.

  11. bcuz realy they are so special

  12. tkd and bjj, wow! two martial arts designed for sports. take the "bs" to the streets. the meaner the neighborhood the better. tell the street fighters about your black belts. they need to laugh once in while.

  13. Gun users rule all.

  14. So going by what you are saying, BJJ are thugs who go around attacking people for no reason? Most good traditional schools I have been to emphisyze that what you are learning is for self defense, not street fighting, so in your analogy, the BJJ person must be the agrressor.

    I get tired of people like you and sixtus coming on here and slamming other arts, when there is a good chance you don't even train, and are just fanboys. As far as I know not many TKD people get on here and brag about how good they are or how their style is the best, so wher does this even come from. I see the majority of things like that from...BJJ people, or probably more acuratly people who don't actually have the guts to train, and not true practitioners.

    Yes BJJ is an extremly good style, but if we are talking self defense, then where are you going to be if there are 3 guys who want to hurt you. Doesn't look so rosy for you now huh?

    I also know many people who practise TKD and they are far from morons. They are well educated, responsible members of the community, who have far more importent things to do then try and make themselves feel better by slamming people on here. Quite honestly in real life you probably are not smart enough to carry their jock straps.

    I also agree with the poster that  said that BJJ instructors need to teach more self discipline. Sixtus yes Martial means war, and wars are fought by soldiers. Isn't part of being a soldier self discipline? I do not see that from many of the so called BJJ people on here, so in the long run, the respect I get from nearly everyone I meet, because of the way I treat them, even though they don't know I am  a martial artist, will get me further and mean more after I am gone then the fact that I could get on the internet and run other people down.

    Sixtus I have seen your answers and nevre actually see you answer a question about how to do a technique, only oto jump in and help slam other arts. I seriously doubt if you are or were in the army, and I also doubt that you are a hand to hand instructor, because they at least have to have a little intelligence.

  15. I must respectfully disagree. All the BJJ guys I've encountered seem to think they're pretty d**n-special, too. I do TKD, and I'm the first to admit that when it comes down to it, it's essentially kickboxing. But hey, let's see you BJJ guys go up against more than one punk at a time, eh?

  16. So this is what martial arts has turned to...? Undisciplined martial artists?

    I'm not surprised that it's a person who does BJJ to.

    No offense to people who do BJJ, but most of you guys need to teach discipline in your schools, whether it's a martial art or not.

  17. No martial art is superior than any other, it's the martial artist the one being superior or not.

    And do you really think that "clinching" a fighter (from any style) is that easy? So please post your professional record,  (and I don't mean beating old ladies and kids on the street; I mean verifiable legit professional fighting competitions).

    By the way you talk, it seems that BBJ do a poor job on teaching discipline and respect for other Martial Arts and practitioners.

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