
Why do Teachers think that they know what kids want to read in english class?

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Why do Teachers think that they know what kids want to read in english class?




  1. I don't believe teachers think this way. Teachers do know what books are best for educational purposes. Contrary to myth, many people think reading is great no matter the book. Reading any book doesn't necessarily provided any positive educational experience.

    Also, it may not be up to the teachers to decide every book their students are assigned to read. They have to follow the curriculum set by school boards.

  2. Teachers are told which books they are allowed to use in class...often they have a choice of a few and choose ones that are suitable for the level of the class. Unfortunately teachers dont have a huge choice when it comes to curriculum planning....and often they are as bored of the books as you are!

  3. its not a matter of what they think u want to read its the fact that they are given a curriculum they HAVE to follow for the year and if they dont do it they lose their job. it sucks but thats the way the system is

  4. They don't. They make you read books that you can analyze.  Helps your thinking ability!  Sometimes teachers don't even like the books they're teaching, but it's part of the curriculum.

  5. they don't. many teachers use their experiences in order to give interesting, somewhat educational books to their students. one of my favorite teachers used her daughters' favorite books to show to us. however, some teachers simply read the books that are mandatory for the curriculum. i suppose that for an English class, the point isn't really to have a good time (ha ha so sorry) but actually to help to make the kids better readers, or better  under-standers of literacy. for example, i am one of the people who do not find tom sawyer interesting. even then, i was forced to read it in my English classes and i think it benefited me a lot. its a classic, like the many books that we, unfortunately (:D), are required to read.

  6. It is the rare school district that allows the teachers to choose the curriculum.  The majority is mandated either by the school board, the state, or the federal government.  That goes for all your classes, not just your English class.

    However, many teachers have the ability to "add in" a book (or topic) if they have the time and funds.  If you know of books that would be an asset to the classroom, suggest them to your teacher(s).  Most are always looking for ways to make the curriculum more interesting for the students.

  7. check the above answers a little more closely....some good truths there.....what you are assigned is mandated....the teacher simply facilitates.....that is all.......

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