
Why do Theists constantly attempt to redefine atheism?

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It seems that every hour or so there's some Theist or other trying to tell me what, as an atheist, I "really" believe.

Is "atheism means no belief in gods" really that hard to grasp? If so, how can we make it simpler to understand?




  1. Because they are dysfunctional congenital idiots when it comes to reality .

    I am particularly fond of them telling me I hate their fictional babble book characters .

  2. Im impressed its the first time I agreed with an atheist.

  3. They just can't wrap their stunted little minds around it, always coming up with fatally flawed analogies and hypothetical situations that prove nothing.

  4. Delusional thinking.  If reality doesn't fit their model then make up some nonesense.

  5. It seems to me that Theists, to use your term, have a hard time with non-concrete ways of thinking. They need to create a category of people that displays all of the traits they dislike, and Atheist is the convenient word.

    Once they've taken the word, they can slap it on anyone and pretend that they understand them, and how to treat them.

  6. Atheism is a system based on the principle of rejection of the fundamentals of all religions.

    This is what I believe is a sort-of-appropriate definition of atheism.

    A lot of thumbs down will mean I'm wrong, and vice versa will mean I'm more or less correct.

    Edit: Thanks, I guess.... but I preferred the suspense anyways.

    Edit no. 2: Busted.

  7. Because the Bible said so; Just want some excuse to attack us.

    Atheism for them = Godhaters or Satan worshippers. It fits them anyway;because they never have any idea of what is reality

  8. They want to make us seem like idiots. In other words they want us to emulate them.

    whoops I think I worded that badly

  9. Some people seem to have no clue, on all sides on here.

  10. Can't help but be sucked into the flawed arguments for christianity when confronted with them in a freaking online videogame.  Why do they continue to cast their "pearls" before "swine"?  We're all aware of Christianity  thank you very much & if we want to convert you'll know it, so in my opinion, they should just STFU.

  11. They're unable to truly understand that we can have validated opinions that differ entirely from their own.

  12. Well if you want to discount or smear someone, you have to make them subject to your will and vision, rather than their own.  It's the only way to really defame someone; usually it's the Daily Mail or the Express.  

  13. Lack of a proper dictionary, maybe.

  14. I am starting to think we are meeting with people that refuse to believe that there are people that do not believe in God. I have found whenever I state no belief in the supernatural, it is necessary to enumerate what the supernatural is.  So good luck to you, for it seems to be an everyday thing with more than one question on what is atheism.

  15. Theists are enslaved by their delusion and from that point of reference they try really hard to venture out into a world of logic and reason BUT because they are totalled they are incapable BUT they are not aware of this.

    They 'think' that we are all born with a 'hole' in our lives; that hole is meant to be filled with some breed of invisible sky critter.

    1. They don't realise there is NO hole.

    2. They have not the mental capability to recognise that IF their invisible sky critter existed the 'reality' is that it is swooping about in the ether doing haphazard mayhem to all and sundry regardless of thought or deed; it does NOT obey the simple rule of 'bad things can ONLY happen to bad people'.

    The fact that we repeat over and over that we do NOT believe in invisible sky critters does not dent their 'knowledge'.

    On the one hand this is a shame.

    On the other hand it means that we have little competition when it comes to making the most of all aspects of reality.


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