
Why do Turkish men have to go to the army?

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I just want some information on this.





  1. it's called 'conscription'...many, many countries around the world have this.  Even the USA had it until recently when we went to an all-volunteer force.

  2. They don't but Turkish boys do now grow up and join the real world

  3. Because those Kurds won't oppress themselves!

  4. Mandatory service, some countries require every male or every male and female to serve in the army for a period of time. Others have a professional army where people only join voluntarily.

  5. Turkey is just one of dozens of countries that require mandatory military service (conscription) from its male citizens. See here for a complete list of these countries:

  6. Turkey has mandatory military service (conscription).  It is the law of their country.

    The military is a very highly respected organization in Turkey.  To qualify for state medical care, school support or any government support, a male has to serve in the military.

    Edit:  Yes, they go to war if the Army goes to war.

  7. mandatory service for every Turkish men and really serve in real war or fighting against terrorism

    it is not game, military!

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