
Why do Turkish people hate the Greeks?

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As far as i know, Greeks have more reasons to hate Turkish... Ok, i'm a Greek but i honestly feel ok about the turkish people. I don't mean to insult anyone, i just wanted to know their reasons for hating us? If i am wrong please feel free to correct me!





  1. Has a lot to do with history... I know the Turks invaded Greece and such... its just a stupid cycle of hatred... not cool...

    I just hope it fizzles out with the new generation.  But yeah, im greek too and i know about the whole greek/turk thing...

  2. If one hates me, then I have all the rights to hate that person, I do not bother myself to do so though. And, no, I do not hate an entire nation as I am not racist.

  3. Here we go again...Another question about hate, politics...

    Why are Greeks so obsessed about Turks, I just can't understand it...

    Maybe you are manipulated again by some other neighbours from Turkey oriental border...

    We don't hate anyone...  Only miserable and frustrated people have such feelings as "hate"...

    And I agree 100% with High Tide, Cetin, Totally Blunt  and Trotsky Kerensky

    PS : Hey Greek Barbie, where is Ken ?...

  4. I agree with "Lets have Middle Peace"I think that was a fair answer from both sides. And i will also add to the Aegean territorial disputes and the fact that Turkey is not allowing Greece to exploit its possible oil foundings in the Aegean, and that kinda stuff.

    @Tronsky: Thanks love, i am flattered by your jealousy. And hunny, Greece is a very worthy country, much more worthy than Turkey anyways. Cheers :)

  5. I have been to both countries and I would have to say Greeks hate the Turks more.  The average Turk doesn't even think about the Greeks, when I was in Turkey people asked where I was going and when I told them Greece they didn't really say anything bad at all.  BUT when I was in Greece and told people I had just come over from Turkey well everybody I met that asked me that question and the Turkey issue came up you should have heard the things they had to say.  I just don't understand.

  6. Hi,

    I don't hate Greek people. More than that: I think that there is no people on earth, which is more similar to the Turks than the Greeks. I was in Greece 2 years ago and it seemed to me like being in Turkey. The great majority of Turkish people would even say that the Greeks are their favorite neighbors.

    I'm aware of the fact that this wasn't always like this. When I was in school in the 70s, we learned that Greek soldiers killed babies. I read somewhere that in Greece children were taught such nonsense as well. After the earthquake in Yalova, when the Greeks were the first to come and help the Turks, the situation has definitely changed, if not before.

    So please don't think that Turks hate the Greeks, OK...

  7. Because the Greeks get all the money from Tourism and Agriculture and are in the EU.

    Thats why the Turks invaded Cyprus. Agriculture - Money. Rhodes, Kos and Symos are much closer but no agriculture /natural water.

    Sad innit. Before the 1974 invasion of Cyprus, all the people in Cyprus, Greek and Turkish were very happy living as neighbours . Blame the Governments, its not the people.

  8. it's about provocation in history just like all other countries' history. i remember when i was a kid, i've heard greek troops vanished turkish villages, killed men and raped women during independence war of turkey in 1920's. maybe that's a reason to hate. but it's not a real hate, it's just bad memories to not to forget.

    no turkish people have that much hate to kill, or insult a greek. and i guess greeks dont have too. but to be honest, i'm afraid to study in Athens, because i'm ,turkish and my hometown is macedonia( or FYROM as you know).

  9. Yep you are wrong. To imagine one nation hating another nation is very strange. I have lots of Greek friends and none of us hate each other.

    It's the prejudice, like you saying "Greeks have more reasons to hate Turkish" .

  10. Turks do not hate Greeks. It is the other way around. You can't love someone who hates you, can you? Don't expect Turks to give you daisies when you curse them at the top of your lungs. Besides there is no reason for Turkey to love Greece or to hate Greece, unlike one of the answerers said. If this had been so, Turks would show equal dislike for all of the countries in the Balkans. Why do you place Greece in such a special position for Turkey? Serbia is the country who took on the role of Prussia in German unification or Piedmont in the Italian unification. Serbia was the first one to declare independence, not Greeks. Greeks and others followed suit. Still, there is no mention of Serbs in Turkey as there is the mention of Greeks. The reason is simple, because Greeks tirelessly, in every opportunity, seek to say something negative about Turkey. You *force* Turks to take you seriously. This hate is your doing, not ours.

    I also want to point out to something, as is mentioned in one of the answers. The reason why Greece is more developed than the other countries of the region has little to do with the Greek achievements but more to do with the generous European sympathizers / Grecophiles. Also Balkans is a region boiling with blood feuds and Greeks were lucky to have finished their ethnic cleasing right after their independence, other countries were not as nearly lucky as Greece was. Greeks should really be thankful to EU, because that is about the only thing they can boast, which, as I always say, is rather pathetic, when they engage in a discussion with the Turks.

    As for the Ancient Greeks, whom I most ardently adore, I hardly believe any Turk in 21st century Turkey bits his nails and tears his hair off and is mad with jealous for a historical period that ended thousands of years ago. Modern Greeks are absolutely nothing like the Ancient ones anyway. You need to care for someone to get jealous, Turks don't care about Greeks. I actually think what one of the answerers said is an insult to Europe because out of all the countries of Europe, I am sure one can find a more worthy country to get jealous of.

  11. We don't. Maybe it is what's called mirroring in psychology. You reflect the hate of Greeks on Turks.

    PS. If Turks started counting reasons, I'm sure they would find more reason to hate Greeks than Greeks for Turks. But we aren't raised like that. We are raised believing in, "Peace at home, peace in the world." Look elsewhere for hate.

    IMHO, your priests are stoking your hate towards Turks as a cover up for their riches. Instead of questioning your priests and your politicians, you direct your unhappy feelings to Turks.

  12. I don't think Turkish people hate the Greeks. In fact, I know a lot of Turkish people, and I have asked them about it. They view Greeks as their neighbors and their friends. They believe the past is the past and move on with what doesn't affect them in the present. They are too busy hating the arabs to waste time hating the Greeks.

    On the other hand, the Greeks I know just can't seem to get over the fact that they were occupied. They fail to realize that it has no effect on their modern lives, and continue to waste their time hating a people who do not hate them. for the comment about the Parthenon, hate to break it to you, but technically the Turks were not the ones who destroyed the Parthenon. It was the VENETIANS from ITALY who threw the missile into the Parthenon which let off the gunpowder and destroyed the building.

  13. NO Reason, soory

    They are Ugly and a threat for our Eurasian beauty.

    Their girls bend or show how cotton theire, or open their b***s to attention,

  14. I don`t hate the Greeks.... But there is a notion of jealousy on both sides I think. Culturally we are not that different (except religion), so  I think it may just be a neigbor-phobia???

  15. I'm a Brit. We are meant to hate the French. I think its just a history thing, you know, wars, invasions etc. My hubby is Turkish and he doesn't hate Greeks, just like I don't hate the French, its just something we are meant to do lol.

  16. i have absolutely no problem with greeks its all about your government we have more serious problems like denial of the turkish identity, your government wants us to live in rodopi region for its security and puts us 0.5 % university quota,turkish teachers arent allowed to teach us and according to treaty of Lausanne provides us primary education in turkish as you know my greek friend it must be minumum 9 years of education but its not therefore most turks educate in turkish schools we couldnt sell or buy any land, even our houses before 1990

    edit: i know some greeks from istanbul or constantinoupoli have similar problems i hope you dont get me wrong

  17. I am neither Greek or Turkish but been to both countries, so this is my opinion.

    Greeks hate Turks because they were under Ottoman rule for 400 years, making the Greeks miss out on the Reinascance and other important European achievements. Many Greeks have expressed these feelings to me, and have a grudge for this, because they wanted to make an importance in Europe during that time, but didnt due to Turkish rule. Also their city: Constantinople which was the heart of the Byzantine Empire fell to the Turks and the Church Haghia Sophia is now a museum. Lots of what is Turkey known for today (Asiar Minor, Izmir, Instabul) who are all touristic spots were all Greek, and also Turkey is illegally occupying the Northern part of Cyprus, so there is a grudge from the Greek side towards that as well.

    Turks hate the Greeks due to the fact, that eventhough they ruled over them and the rest of the Balkans for such a long time, Greece unlike its neighboors rose high and developed itself a good economy and making it the only country in Eastern Europe having the Euro currency. Also Greece is worldwide famous for its history, having the oldest culture in Europe, and being considered the Cradle of Western Civilization, would of course spur jealousy to the younger, less developed neighbooring countries, including Turkey. Also, there is much more positive outlook from Europeans and Westerners on Greeks and Greece today than Turkey. Many people associate Turkey with the Middle East, having human right issues, bad treatment on women..etc.. which all that can add 'hate' although i would call it more of an envy towards the Greeks.

    However if you take the politics, history and all that, out of this subject, you will find these people have potential in making great friends with each other!

  18. nai re "Gia thn ellada re gamwto" mpravo!

    loipon, like you said we have more reasons to hate Turkish because they did so many bad things to us and the true is that they steall doing It.

    How can we love someone that did so many bad things to our country, to our people?

    What they did with the pathernon is something that break my heart. What did we do to them?

    Rome invaded Greece and today we don't don't have problem with them...Think about It.

    The problem is that the turkish was so mad and bad 2 us.

    About me, I dont care If you are japanese or turkish or american..

    I have some friends from turkish, also I have been in turkey 2.

    Paz and love guys!

  19. I was kind of shocked abou tthe answers i read....

    they start with "we dont hate......" and then they spoil poison....

    this was something that i found as very funny....

    Also the argument "they hate us..." is really hilarious ,too.....they should make a tour in many forums to see how "they dont hate Greeks"......

    the good is that not all of them are thinking this way.....many people REALLY dont have problems with Greeks....

    There are many families were their members killed,massacred ,raped by Turks but according to them,"its the "bad" greeks who hate us",right??

    I can say that My family is one of them,but I believe that past is past and we all should move one.....

    Look at how many thumps up got the-- Lets all have Middle must be because "Greeks hate us..."....LOL....btw she gave the best answer here

    and trotsky user said that she dont care about Greece ,but she is alltime in Greek section expressing her"friendly" emotions....

  20. Hi,

    yes Ä°stanbul is beatiful city , you are right and i agree with you

    here are some info.about Ä°stanbul

  21. Para poli... Oreo...

    Turks hate everyone but they love to be ....loved...

    ask the armenians!!


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