
Why do WOMEN try to TELL men what they "should" be attracted to?

by  |  earlier

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Have you ever noticed that women often attack men for saying they don't want fat women, or "strong" women or "career" women or whatever else...

They say things like "your shallow, REAL men what this..." OR "Men should not judge a woman by blah blah blah..."

My question is.... WHY do women think they can TELL men what criteria in which to select women?

I'd like to see a man tell a woman what she should look for in a man and see the woman's reaction. HA!




  1. Go for it mate, tell women what they should look for and why not your allowed to have an opinion lol.

  2. okey dokey...

    done ranting now dearie?

    and to the first poster...i gave you thumbs up! so THERE! and i still dont agree with figure that one out!

    WHAAAT?!!!! 4 thumbs down...geez cant you ppl take a joke? besides...the 1st poster i was referring too deleted his answer,...the ( bad name for a kitty cat!)

  3. why didn't a God give a woman a sense of humor?

    so that woman wouldn't laugh at man...


    because woman sometimes wish they were men and they could choose...

  4. since I don't, guess I must be a man.

  5. Women (and men) who do that are just narrow-minded.

  6. Does it make you feel better to know that I call the receptionist at my office shallow on a regular basis because she won't date guys who are "too short" or have accents?

    I know you can't control what you're attracted to, nobody can. But I think that being overly picky about appearance is stupid when you're looking for a serious relationship. If you want it to succeed, basing it on things like compatibility and personality will raise your chances. Any relationship that is based on looks is going to end the instant the people involved start to get old and unattractive. And that advice remains the same for both men and women.

    Mind you, I'm not going to presume to tell you who to date. If you're a shallow guy who wants shallow relationships, then I wouldn't want to date you anyway and would be glad if I didn't fit your criteria. Nor will I tell your future gold-digging trophy wife that she's wrong for wanting to be with you. I might think you're both stupid, but I'm not going to preach at you unless you actually ask me what I think. I've never had any problem attracting men, so it doesn't really bother me when some of you aren't interested. If you can't get one, then you move on to the next... if any girls are actually attacking you out of the blue for wanting a hot Barbie girl, then maybe that's the advice THEY need to take.

  7. Benefits vs responsibility.

    Like so many issues with chicks ,they want all the rights and benefits with no effort or responsibility.

    In this case ,they want the benefits of being  "Hot " and available without having to workout, eat right , make themselves up nicely or come home from work.

    Rather than take responsibility for the shortcomings, they'll try to convince you (society as a whole) there is something wrong with a guy who wants a slim ,attractive woman who is available when she's wanted.

  8. Wow, that is a very broad statement... lol   maybe the girls you date... or are around... maybe pick your friends more wisely.

  9. Your question really hit home for me. I was quite a chubby girl as I was growing up and then in my mid teens became very athletic and had a nice figure to show it. There is little else out there that is so hard to live through than to be over weight. In this society when kindergartners were asked; which condition would you have the hardest time living with... a. If you lost an arm? b. If you became blind? c. If you were too fat? c. was the outstanding winner. Children as young as 5 would rather loose an arm or be blind rather than being over weight.

    My older brother gave me the worst time of anybody I knew about being overweight. He would never touch or date a woman who was chubby and made a big deal about it.  He married a nice looking skinny girl. Through time they had three daughters and the only one in the whole family including my brother who is not obese is one of his daughters. He is still married! His wife didn't dump him because he became fat nor did he divorce his wife because she is fat! I guess your question begs a little more thought about why and who and for what reasons we are attracted to whom.

    Initially I think the typical human is attracted to people who are in good physical condition but as we get to know people there are other things that we are attracted to.

    Sooo when people say that you are "shallow" for being attracted to women who are in shape I would say that that is a typical reaction for human kind. We must all be shallow!

  10. Don't generalize because not all women are like this, myself included.

  11. Women are very sensitive when it comes to that stuff. They get irritated by guys who don't like a girl because he personally doesn't find her attractive, yeah they say things like "men are so shallow" or "it shouldn't matter what she looks like..." etc

  12. It's called a double standard and it's one of millions (if not billions) that most women these days hold. Another one is that all dads/husbands are deadbeats whereas moms/wives are hard working and work feverishly to pick up the alleged slack.

    EDIT: Don't worry about the morons that automatically insert "all" into every question; they just do that because they are the kind of people who go around looking for ways to be offended.

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