
Why do We have Speed limits on our Highways???

by Guest58036  |  earlier

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Nobody goes the speed limit and Law Enforcers don't do anything about it. One Example. Hyway 2 Edmonton to Calgary. speed limit 110 km. Try going that. You get Honked at, Fingered, Passed and cut off. Etc. You feel like a criminal if you go the speed limit. WHY IS THAT?????




  1. Speed limits are there to keep people from going as fast as they want. In the us most highways have limits of 65mph ( almost the same as 110km)  And people go 75-80 alot of the time.  

    Imagine if there were no limits? People would just floor it and drive as fast as they possibly could. Not only would it be dangerous but it would waste alot of fuel.

    Then of course there is all the revenue that they make from speeding tickets.

  2. these days I drive even slower than usual to save on gas, my way of thinking is if you think any of those other people will pay your ticket then "put the peddle to the medal" !!!!!

  3. To maintain a safe and steady traffic flow but it doesn't work because of all the people that dont understand the rules of the road.......good luck and drive safe..

  4. That is a good question. I often wonder that myself since no one ever seems to obey the speed limit. Where I live there are always police patrolling the interstate and people will still drive 15+ over the speed limit. I guess some people think that the speed limit does not apply to them.

  5. Safety and *environmental preservation (*fossil fuels).

    Primarily, for SAFETY!


  6. If there wasn't a speed limit the death rate would def go up. There are speed limits for safety reasons. and the idiots that dont follow them deserve a $300 ticket. To many people die from other peoples carelessness.

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