
Why do White girls bake themselves in tanning beds so much?

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I don't understand the whole obsession SOME White girls have with tanning. I think natural skin is best:S..




  1. Why anybody uses a tanning bed is beyond the realm of my understanding.

  2. haven't got a clue.  why do black men like white women so much?

  3. most people prefer asians, white guys always hit on asian chix, even black guys, and ofcorse all those rejected asian guys too. so the white girls can only try to fit in by tanning their skin.

  4. I tan in the bed/sun because it really makes my skin feel less dry then if I don't. When I went to the doctor for a dry itchy skin problem one of the things he mentioned was to tan a little more... and it works.

  5. You may be offending Caucasian girls right now.

    uhmm...Maybe they want to go for the whole--summer, beach look.

    Me too; i totally agree with you/

    Some of the girls look like tanaholics!


  6. Well I know all the preppy girls at my school go to tanning beds. I think its retarded. half of them look stupid enough anyway, a tan just makes them look stupider.  

  7. I'd have to agree, simply because cancer isn't any fun. However, there is something called insecurity & it's what most girls have. So they turn orange, and after that, I really have no idea what they think when they look in the mirror, but I know for sure, they probably need better eye goggles so they can really see the pigmentation there skin has gone through.

  8. i tan in the end of winter/spring so i don't burn completely in the summer.

  9. A tanned body is what they think is hot

    but they probably don't like their natural skin and go to tanning beds to eliminate it

    if they are not satisfied then there is no turning back (except after their skin turn back to normal)

    I geuss they like the blond and well tanned skin

    I my self have a tanned skin (well I didn't tan it I was born like that and I don't know why they say Im lucky I think they are dumb for wanting it

  10. I never understood that either. I have the whitest skin compared to most people but thats what my husband likes the most that im soft and flawless. I think i get more looks from people than the typical tan blonde :)

  11. Probably not because they want to look old by the time they're 30, but that's what they'll get.  UV in Sunlight is the WORST THING IN THE WORLD for your complexion.

  12. So they can look like this!!!

  13. media.

    its like asking, why does everyone kill themselves to be thin?

  14. Some girls just can't embrace the fact that they're pasty, so they fake-bake themselves so they get that 'all I do is sit out in the sun' look.  Some guys like girls with a tan too, so it's mainly the guy's influence that make chicks do it.  I mean who really wants to risk the sunburn/skin-cancer side affect unless they get a man with the deal?  

  15. I think its best for natural skin to. i dont think THAT many people do. lol.

    hope I helped! ♥

  16. a little sun never hurt anyone, its actually good for you! but the doctors don't want you to think that.

    i think that everyone looks nice with a bit of sunkiss on them.

    plus it can:

    put you in a better mood


    help clear up acne

    so why not?

  17. i think mabye guys consider it s**y to have nice sun kissed skin, idk?

  18. Tanning and having tan skin tone is/was "in"

    I like my skin tho!


  19. Well by it being that time of the year (Summer) lots of girls do this for the look of natural beauty, the tanner the skin the less make-up they would have to put on, While other girls do this because of TV shows like lol...Sun-set Tan, The Hills, lol and just about almost any Reality show!

    I'm black but I'm also light-skinned  so I just may try it to enhance my skin-tone for the summer only.

    I hope this helped.

    BTW, What did you do about your ex-Best Friend situation?

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