
Why do Witchcraft and Wicca always seem to go hand in hand?

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I have been trying to read about Witchcraft on this site and been trying to gather information, but it seems like immediately when someone mentions witchcraft, wicca always comes up in conversation. I know Wicca is a religion that practices magick and Witchcraft is not associated with any other religion/belief, but why do they always seem to go together.

If I am interested in Witchcraft, what resources/books are good to read? Are there any beliefs besides Wicca that I could/should become knowledgeable about?




  1. This is Gardner's fault. He used the word Witchcraft to describe his new religion even though there were other groups using it.

    Scrap looking for Witchcraft and instead start looking for _____ mysticism.

    Fill in the blank with your religion or culture.

  2. The simple answer is "bad history."  From the 1920s to the 1960s there was a theory that European witches were actually followers of a pagan religion that the Church was trying to stamp out.  This definition was even in the Encyclopedia Britanica.  When Gardner presented his own religion (which eventually became known as Wicca) he claimed that it was a branch of this supposed pagan witch cult.

    Unfortunately for, well, everyone, there was no pagan witch cult, and the only reason this unsubstantiated and nonsensical theory was believed for so long was because most scholars didn't think the historical witch trials were a worthy subject of study.

    Of course, there were a whole lot of Wiccans who didn't want to let go of the idea that their religion was ancient and that they've been suffering persecution longer than any group on the planet.  However, since the pagan witch cult theory has been demolisthed for 40 years, and no one has provided any new evidence supporting the idea since then, there's really no excuse for anyone to still say they are one and the same.  Again, unfortunately, there are authors who still do, and newcomers read those authors and become the victim of bad information. (Yes, I'm looking at you, Ms. Ravenwolf.)

  3. People just don't no any better.Not all witch's are wicca and not all wicca are witch's.There not even close it goes much deeper then that

  4. It is common association.  People do this with all groups to some extent.  They associate Mormons with having many wives (unually underage now,) they associate Athiests and Chrisitans with hostle ignorance and arrogance aimed at each other, they associate Democrats with increased taxes and Republicans with spending money they do not have, they associate Muslims with terrorism, they associate soccer moms with a finatical sense of competition and blond women with a lack of intelligence.  

    The list of these associations goes on and on and, it is largely because it is far more easier to patronize someone or a group with these common associations than it is to actually try and understand any single individual.

  5. In my opinionon they do go hand in hand because their are almost the same.  One is the religion and the other is the act of doing magic.  In Wicca you can do witchcraft and it's alright. But stay true to the Rede

  6. Actually, witchcraft is associated with many pagan beliefs! It may not be labeled exactly as such, but that's what it generally is. If you truly want to learn about witchcraft, I definitely suggest not doing all your research online. A very good book that I would recommend to anyone is "Drawing Down the Moon" by Margot Adler. It's not a how-to book like a lot of others out there, but it's good for basic information on many different pagan/polytheistic/pantheist/magick practicing faiths and belief systems. I found it really interesting when I read it.

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