
Why do Women Love Vampire Storys?

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Why do Women Love Vampire Storys?




  1. its the whole bad boy thing. you know they are supposed to be dangerous or bad for you but you can't help but be attracted to that, and with the powers the stories say they have plus the whole bite thing its just s**y. also the whole mystery of someone who is supposed to have been around for centuries, what they have seen and learned over that time.

  2. It is probably because vampires can be very appealing. They have that bad boy thing going on, and they're rich, and steeped in culture. Who could resist?

  3. Because they are women.

  4. becaue of the way vamps are described....their lust, power, and the mystery about them

  5. Mmmmm.... blood.

  6. There is something romantic about a creature doomed to walk the earth. Also, they have often been depicted as rich, handsome, and emotionally complex.  The vampire legend is also thought to be a sexual metaphor. Think piercing, blood, danger and being necessary for life.  

  7. idk i guess they just turn us on for some unkn reason vampires are wierdly s**y

  8. It's the dark prince come to spirit us away from the knight in shining armor (so to speak). Some prefer mystery over the "I'll rescue you fair damsel" type guy.

  9. It's not the vampires, it's the s*x appeal of sensitive, beautiful men who are trapped in alone in eternity. And vampires just kick a**.

  10. because they always look young and beautiful .  Then they can make her young and beautiful.

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