
Why do Women want to be housewives, i dont get it.?

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and no i'm not trying to offend anybody, i'm just trying understand WHY woman would want to do this.

ok this is my look on it. people say Housewives are perfect for taking care of the house and taking care of the kids, what about the husband? why is it that he only has to go to a 12 to 14 hour shift and put food on the table and keep bills paid? and why does ONLY the mother have to stay home and watch over the kids?

lets say the husband unexpectedly dies, or wants to leave his wife, or gets laid off? what is the housewife to do? how is going to support herself? or even the kids? what is she to do? her husband was her only provider but she didn't want to do anything. what is she to do?

its funny women have been whining about equal rights for years and some STILL want to just sit down while their husband does all the work. and speaking of that, when divorce comes, they want alimony!!!!!!!!

this is MY OPINION okay: but i think housewives are better off just getting a simple job just to INSURE that the family is in best shape.

any opinions?




  1. We all have different preferences and beliefs.  I would not want this either, but I have no problem with those that do.  I think we should all be able to make choices without long as our choices do not harm others.

  2. I don't know.

    My father has made all the money while mother stayed home. He was better educated and got the best of jobs. But since childhood, I haven't observed any resentment in her. Once my dad told me that he just happens to make money and that mom just happens to manage our home and daily finances. None is more important than the other. Its the common sense of the first law of economics - division of labor ( he is a banker so...).  

    I agree with him. They are smart people.

  3. i don't mean to offend , but every question/comment that you make id derogatory towards men.  

  4. Being a housewife is another lifestyle.

    Usually the man helps with the kids too, it's more of a team than you think...

    And wow, how easy do you think paying the bills and sustaining a family is???

    Some housewives work a bit too anyway..

    Being a housewife is still an importan part of society and it's still hard.....but it's more safe, for example.

  5. What happened in the 1950s was an aberration anyway. Typically, women held jobs and had members of their extended families care for their children while they worked. It was only the wealthy families where the women had the luxury of staying home all day and they didn't care for their children or do any other domestic chores. They had a whole staff doing all that for them.

  6. Getting a simple job is not worth the time if you have a couple of kids... have you ever checked out daycare prices??? Depending on ages it could be 100$ or even more a day, for one kid. That in itself is a good enough reason to do the job yourself. I am not a housewife but I understand why its the best thing to do for some people. Also alot of husbands enjoy it it their wife works then the house does not stay as clean and food is not prepared when they get home... i It does not work for all people but like I said for some it is the ideal thing to do.  

  7. Being a house wife doesn't automatically mean you don't have something to fall back on. Are you assuming that they are all barefooted hillbillies or something? Plenty of women can work they would just rather raise their kids and keep their house in order their is nothing wrong with. Being a house wife is just as much work as an actual job think about it you can't just clock out like with a regular one it's 24/7 so it is in no way fair for you to say that men are the only one doing work. Seriously go get a clue.

  8. Why do women want to be nurses?

    Why do women want to be lawyers?

    The answer to that and your question is,its all down to the individual womens preference of what shes wants to do with her life.

  9. Women want to be housewives for various reasons...

    - They are traditional and grew up with the idea that woman's place is in the home. (ex: In the South)

    - They see what's going on with family values and want to be a strong part of their family vs. having a career. They don't want to sit their kids in front of the TV or with a nanny/day care and want to be involved in their child's upbringing.

    - They don't care to work. They would rather cook and clean and take care of children than sit at a desk all day. They want to take pride in their home and family.

    Yes, if their husband dies or something financially damaging happens things would have to change. But there is also the life insurance, they could go out and get a job, remarry, etc. It would just be a matter of adjusting to a new lifestyle.

    I'm not saying wanting to be a housewife is right or wrong, but I do think there are alot of different reasons a woman would choose to do so.

    Also, bare in mind not all women are feminists and pushing for equality and equal pay, jobs, etc. Some are perfectly happy staying home.

  10. I stay at home with my children because no one has  more of a vested interest in the well  being of my children then their father and I.  I know their needs and I am prepared meet them.  

    As far as just sitting around and doing nothing, well the same could be said of some people who go to work on a daily basis.  Not all employed people are hard workers and not all homemakers are lazy.

    A woman who takes her obligations as a homemaker seriously is many things...a financial planner, a nurse, a housekeeper, a nutritionist, a teacher, a's endless and if she take her role seriously she eases the burden of the husband who works outside of the home.

    She also knows that she needs to be able to provide for her family financially if her husband falls ill, passes away or the marriage ends.  She will understand that in the event of these tragedies her family will rely on her and she will have prepared accordingly.

    Edit:  If a relationship is built on the idea of working together to achieve a desired outcome then neither the mother nor father carries a heavier burden.  I think its best if one person focuses on financially providing and the other focuses on nurturing.  If they are both focused on financially providing that leaves very little time for parental nurturing.  If he works outside of the home then I work inside of the home and when we are together we both care for the children.  My job is not a burden, I chose this.    Just because we provide for our children in different ways does not mean that one job is more difficult, more important, or more of a burden than the other.

  11. Just because a woman intends to be a housewife is no reason for her to not pursue post-secondary education. It's an extremely good idea for her to be able to support herself in case something should happen to her husband.

    I dont' look at staying home and watching over the kids as something a mother HAS to do.... it's something she GETS to do. Keeping a household running is a fulltime job in and of itself. A mother's job never ends. She doesnt' get to leave at the end of the day, her job continues into the night, and repeats itself the next morning. Why would a woman want to go to work during the day, and then come home at night and try to catch up on all the cleaning, talk to her kids and find out how they're doing, make supper, do the dishes, etc etc.

    Not to mention.... I have two friends who are both housewives. Both of them have five children. What does daycare cost these days? And where would they find jobs that would pay enough to cover daycare, let alone give them anything extra at the end of the day? They are both grateful that they can stay home with their younger children, and be home when the older ones get home from school. They are there when their kids need help, support, or just love. They know what is going on in their kids lives, because they are there for them every step of the way; there is no outside job taking their focus away from them. Not to mention that both of these women control the finances for their families. They do the budgeting, they make sure each month that the money is stretching far enough,and they do a fabulous job at it. They probably run their home budgets better than some businesses take care of their accounting.

    I dont' have children of my own, and likely never will, due to medical reasons, but if I ever adopt or by some miracle have a child, I will be giving up my job to stay home and raise him or her. No doubt about it.

  12. Wanting to be  homemaker and realizing you may take on more of your share of the burden can go hand in hand. I take care of the house and my family (along w/other things that have nothing to do w/the house or family) and love what I do. This is what I chose and I want to do it well for the time it lasts. When my kids are older, I'll be able to do more things for myself but right now, I choose to focus my energies on them. If my husband died, I would struggle but that doesn't mean I would immediately starve (we do think about things and save). I would do what any single mom does and get a job. I'm not going to live life with the "what if" mentality. I feel like this is best for all of us for the time being.

  13. Maybe they don't want some stranger raising their kids, especially if the children are really young.

    Maybe the husband makes more money than the wife could so it would make no sense for him to come home early to watch the kids while she goes off to her crappy paying job.

  14. Your opinion is your opinion, and remember that no one is stopping you from living your life the way you choose.

    I think you should go visit a housewife with children and see if she "does nothing."  Also, do you have an office job where you mostly "sit" all day, while a housewife does physical labor at home- laundry, cooking, cleaning?  Ask her how much spare time a week she has to go get a "simple job."  And then explain to her why you think she should spend the few hours she has to relax, doing MORE WORK!

  15. Some women want that and some dont. Im sre that if one wanted to be a house wife then the husband and wife would talk over what they would do if the one died or got laid off ect...

    Plus only some women winned for equal rights others couldent give a c**p :D

    But for the ones that do care its there discision.

  16. I do think anyone who stays at home should be financially prepared to leave it if necessary. As long as that's taken care of, they can do whatever they want. I don't understand the appeal of being a housewife myself, but I suppose I would if I wanted children.

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