
Why do YOU want to go to Antarctica?

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Why do YOU want to go to Antarctica?




  1. i wan't to see,feel, smell ,touch, snow and ice .i want to see the native animals ,i want to see white and blue every where i look ,horizon to horizon ,much as love the arid red centre of my own country,i want to see and smell and feel it's opposite.

  2. To save seals from those retards bashing their skulls in with baseball bats

  3. I have no freakin reason to go to Anarctica. My bf keeps hoping they'll make "Survivor Anarctica." Yeah, I can just see those girls running around in furry suits making everyone hot.

  4. To see the ancient, mummified seals.

  5. To visit the King Penguins and try to find Happy Feet.......

  6. just to say i went. how many people go to freakin antartica? exactly, not many

  7. Just to see my compass spin round ;)

  8. here at Philippines Summer is too hot...

    i sweat a lot...

    i want to go to Antarctica to cool down my body temp...

    and i want to see Megatron there!

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