
Why do You like cops in Your city?

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Why do You like cops in Your city?




  1. Because I work with them, and they are my friends.

  2. They arrest about 200,000 criminals every year, and the violent crime rate has been dropping for the last four years straight.

  3. That's a tough one....theirs so many reasons, but I'll try to narrow it down. Perhaps it's because Officers C.T. Strickland, Roger Taylor and Steve Lovin were arrested in 2006 for crimes between 1995 and 2004 of: theft from programs that receive federal funding; racketeering; conspiracy to commit racketeering; and conspiracy to commit money laundering. But maybe it's because two other deputies were charged with illegally programming satellite cards and selling them. Or maybe it's because 28 Officers and the former sheriff have been arrested for crimes, including,  robbery, kidnapping, arson, assault, and drug trafficking. It could really be any of those reasons....or maybe I just hate the police where I'm from...I'm not sure....

  4. i don't, they arrested me and my friend for having a small amount of alcohol with us. it really wasn't fair. we were just walking back to my friends house and a cop car pulls up and they called us over and then they searched our bags and found a 6 pack of corona extra and 2 big bottles of WKD. i understand that i shouldn't be drinking at 16 but still like they had no reason to look through our bags. we wern't even going to drink it that night. we got it in advance for an end of year party that happened the following week. now because of the cops taking me and my friend in i got grounded for a month which ment i couldnt go to the party which REALLY pissed me off, and besides thers much worse crimes goin on besides walking back to ur friends house with drink in ur bag.

  5. They're alright, just bored. 3 will show up just because your getting pulled over for speeding. smalllll towns i tell ya..

  6. I don't. I live in a pretty safe city so cops are pretty much glorified baby sitters. They think they are hard core tough guys but don't do much more than takes kids home after curfew and gives tickets to hs kids for smoking ciggs underage.

  7. i don't

  8. Because i understand that they are ....paid less for their service they do ...... and like normal ppl ...good and bad ones there are good and bad ones in police also .....they make lotta enemies.....their phsycology towards life change and they need love ...more than anyone in my place police control crime....there is nothing that they dont know of a crime that is happening most of the times......thats how cop system works i guess in most of the place to run a government ......which is all interconnected.....

  9. i dont like cops they racist *** holes

  10. Because my brother-in-law is a police officer in my city LOL

  11. I only like the if they do what they are supposed to protect us from harm and danger.  

  12. absolutely bored out of their mind the only thing we have in my city is break-ins  

  13. Well the obvious answer is that they keep the surrounding area safe and make people feel safe. Sure some of them let the power get to their heads and can be jerks about stuff but many aren't. For my summer job I work for a valet company so I am in the city nearly every evening/night and when we aren't parking cars or whatever me and my friends that work there often talk to a group of 4 officers that just stand around and keep an eye out for things. They are really cool and have some good stories to tell.

  14. Nypd is the greatest force in the world. I can honestly say they do their best in this city to keep us safe. And their heroism on 9/11 was remarkable. Im proud to say i have the greatest police force in the world!

  15. I don't and the reason . Go to and look up the state or city that you live in.

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