
Why do a lot of black guys get annoyed with perky black girls?

by  |  earlier

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"I find that when I'm with a black guy I'm trying to act someone I'm not.. and if I don't they get annoyed by me being perky and preppy."




  1. I'm a black guy, and I like it when black girls act like themselves, but many try soo hard to be anything but.

  2. Because it's annoying. I don't know why but overly excited, happy people doesn't seem normal to me. Nobody is happy all the time and it's good to see other emotions because it shows that they are human. I always took the perkiness to be fake. I have deep down hate for this stuck up blond preppy girl in jr. high that won't go away. So whenever I see more girls like her, it makes me mad.

  3. Some of those perky preppy girls jus need 2 chill, sometimes its good to be all excited n ish but sometimes you just need 2 chill that sh*t will give you a headache

  4. idk.....tha black guys where i live like white girls

  5. Many black guys just aren't attracted to black girls period.  They probably just don't want to tell you this.

  6. i find this racist, but probably cause your trying to act getto black and that gets on his nerves, act gangsta black and just chill in the zone girl

  7. theyre dumb....i like perky preppy girls....ur avatar is cute...maybe we should be yahoo answer boyfriend girlfriend

  8. I believe that perkiness has its limit, no matter what race. Yet, I agree. I don't think its fair if some people have a fixed idea that blacks girls can't be preppy. I’m not sure why some get annoyed, but I do know that its bias. My advice is to be you. If you have to act like someone you're not, then that's a red flag. Hang around people that accept you for who you are.

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