
Why do a lot of high school dropouts succeed in life?

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Bill Gates cut school, rode around with his friends doing drugs and smoking etc. I know others, I just can't think of any more right now. I'm not saying dropping out is a good thing, but why is it that the people who always do things the "wrong way" end up succeeding?




  1. because they had a goal in life

  2. Bill Gates wasn't a HS drop out. He graduated  but didn't finish college.

  3. Just because you are able to pay to go to an institution doesn't mean you will succeed.

    A lot of people are in school just because mummy and daddy paid for them.

    I think that if someone is smart, innovative, and has drive and a bit of luck, they can do anything they want. If that means not going to college, so be it!

  4. because school is dumb. Just get your ged and go to college. Well unless your to dumb to pass the ged, just stay in high school

  5. your looking at i the wrong way, he may have dropped out of school but it wasn't his education that made bill gates successful. a good education is the best way to a successful future and thats our best bet for succeeding in life. And yes there are others that have made millions and  back in the day did nothing but smoke pot but some way or another it all comes back to them. success in life is not measured by the money in your wallet or the fame you acquired its all about your happiness. as long as you have that you have succeeded in life.

  6. They don't!!! WOW I can't believe you think a  lot of dropouts succeed in life, a few may but certainly not a lot!!

  7. Well, if success is just having a lot of money, you don't need a high school or college degree to have that.  There are easier ways to be rich than going through the educational system.  It's designed to give you intelligence, not money.

    If success is something other than money, you'll need what you'll need to attain it.  For example, a high school degree.

    May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you.

  8. Bill Gates and most examples of drop outs that truly succeed are the exception not the rule.  And those few exceptions succeed because they are not dumb, wake up and work their tails off.

  9. You just heard of a small few that succeeded (famous people).  In general high school dropouts have a harder time in life.  You'll often see them working in simple jobs their whole life.  I see a lot of kids that I went to school with doing nothing with their lives.

    Not only that but I've noticed that it is harder to get by in life without a degree.  A few friends of mine now regret not going to college.

  10. Yea I know what you mean! SOO not fair. This may sound dumb but school just isnt for everyone and if a person has that carisma and street smarts, then they can just BS through life and get by just fine.. (you just gotta know how to get around ppl by saying what they like to hear) :) I kno im jelous too haha good luck!

  11. That's just a few ''now famous'' people. Most who drop out don't succeed.

  12. they win the lottery or go to vegas.

  13. they high school does not help them and they find different ways to succeed  

  14. Bill Gates did not drop out of high school. Bill Gates went to Harvard.

    People who drop out of high school have a very, very, very low rate of success in life and in business. "A lot" of high dropouts do not succeed. That's why you can' "think of any more right now." You hear of this one or that one occasionally, but what you are not hearing about are the hundreds of thousands who struggle as a result of poor decisions about their education.

    On a much larger scale, you can look at many South American countries and African nations where education is not available or promoted, and you see what happens.

    Education is everything. A few people without formal education do do well, yes, but it is very few.

    So, your statement "why is it that people who always do things the 'wrong way' end up succeeding" is based on faulty assumptions.

    Check in with any doctor, lawyer, engineer, scientist and dentist and ask them what it took to get where they are today.

  15. You know why? Because they were stupid, and realized that what they were doing in life, was a waste, so they smarten up. The mistakes they made help motivate them to change, and stay focused in accomplishing this goal to change their life in a positive way. I see it that these were struggles they faced. I think that those who don't drop out, have it waaay easier, because they don't waste their time, they are the ones that DON'T have to say, "I shouldn't have messed up."

    If you balance those who dropped out and succeded and the ones who didn''s likely there are waaaay more of those who failed... there's only bill gates and maybe a few.. but that just shows... there's only a few, who've made it, unlike those ones sitting around at home, that you don't know FAILED IN LIFE.. with their not so smart mistakes.  

  16. bcuz their smart

  17. Sleep their way to the top!

  18. Well the reason most are successful is because the same reason I have become that way.  We worked so many different jobs that our experience gets us the jobs that make the money.  And we save when we need to and it keeps going I can tell some stories about the jobs I have had and I am a girl.

  19. werd i feel u.. my brother too he dropped out and now he's the private driver of a freaking millionaire riding in fly *** cars... but not everyone is as lucky go ahead and drop out of school and see if your going to be successful lol that'll answer your question years from now... i know i aint buying that... cuz i might not be as lucky as they were... and notice how all people who complete high school and college are successful too! how bout that 1?

  20. well im pretty sure bill gates put his money in stocks and also maybe he had a rich father

  21. most people who drop out don't do very well.  a few actually do well.  they were motivated towards something other than school.  it's motivation that determines sucess.  motivated people will succeed regardless.  unfortunately many who drop out do so because they are unmotivated and don't pursue something else vigorously after they drop out.

  22. I am a high school drop out, and I can tell you that after I dropped out I got tired of not doing anything with my life for 5 yrs. So I decided to do what I didnt fort so many years. Now I own my own business, Have a bachelors in Business, and earn over 250,000 a yr...

  23. Those are probably known to you because they are famous too. I'm betting you don't hear about all the many, many others that quit and failed.

  24. Because they're innovators.

    They find opportunities, and sometimes they get lucky.

  25. They don't.  

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